Guest Posts related to Independent publishing world

I would love to receive guest posts related to indie publishing world. Let's talk about everything from your writing process to promoting it.

If you are an indie author or a publicist, agent, illustrator, editor or anyone else working for and in the independent and self publishing world, then this is a call for your guest post. 

Do you have a tip or a story related to indie books, authors or the indie publishing world that you want to share with the bookish blogging world? Why not be featured as a guest on Elgee Writes?

I would love to receive guest posts related to indie publishing world from indie authors. Let us talk about everything from your writing process to formatting and designing the book to promoting it. 

As much as I would love to, I won’t be accepting promotional posts to your specific projects or books. We all love discussion posts more, don’t we? 

What is in it for you?

  • The posts will be published with your name, a bio and links to your website or Amazon book page. 
  • Make your byline short and crisp and in theme with the post.
  • You can add a few or all of your social profiles. 
  • I will promote it as much as I do for my other posts, which means your post will be on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

Guest posts submission guidelines:

Here are some quick guidelines for making this work for both of us.

  1. Are you from the book industry? If you are not an indie writer but you still want to post here, you can contact me through this form here.
  2. Is your post relevant to indie authors or other people who work in the book industry?
  3. Is your article useful or thought provoking and not just a marketing tool for your book or product? You can however add relevant links to your website or the Amazon book page.
  4. Does your post have practical and actionable tips for the reader? Add in a lot sub headings and bullet points to make it easier for the reader to take action and restrict the post to 800-1500 words, unless we agree upon something else specifically.
  5. Does your article have a personal voice and matches the tone of my blog? Feel free to add in relevant images, funny or not to make the post more interesting. 
  6. Do you accept to not reuse the content from your blog or elsewhere? It has to be new and original. However, you can repost it after 30 days with the note that it was published originally for Elgee Writes.

The final editorial control lies with me. I might edit your article or headline to fit my site’s theme and I will discuss with you if there is any major change. I might ask for revisions rarely, if need be.

If you think you have what it takes please contact me right away. Send me your guest post pitch through the contact form and we will work on it. 

You can always contact me through me my mail for other queries related to my other services and reviews

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