10 must-have things on your coaching business website Featured Elgeewrites

10 must-have things on your coaching business website to improve conversions

Whether you are just booking your first client as a coach or a seasoned pro at it, you are already inspiring and helping people to unlock their potentials. But does your coaching business website show your best side up and convert leads into sales and bookings?

A good website will act like the anchor for your coaching business and help you attract more clients. It also help your audience find you and your content easily.

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10 must-have things on your coaching business website to improve conversions

Here are ten must-haves things on your coaching website to improve conversions, whatever your niche is. You can be a life coach, a business coach, a fitness coach, health and diet coach or a time management, these are things things that you really need on your coaching business website.

1) Own your niche

You go to a orthopaedic doctor if you have a knee problem, even if your general physician might know what could be the issue. You go to a specialist, who probably charges a bit more, because you trust his treatments and you want the best.

That is exactly what your business needs as well.

Figure whom you serve specifically, rather than just trying to sell to everyone. While this applies to any business, it is more critical for a coaching business, because you are solving specific problem for them.

You are a weight loss coach, but who are your target demographics? You might work for “women, above 30, who are looking to lose that 30 kg”.

Niche down to the specifics because no one wants a generalist to guide them.

2) First impressions matter

You have about 3 seconds to impress your first time visitor on your website. And you have about 15 seconds to convey they can get from your website and hook them into staying.

Make sure your above fold content (i.e. the first section below the menus) creates an emotional response (“yes that’s true!”) from the reader. Addressing their pain points directly helps to attract the correct audience for your content.

Stating your specialty as a life coach, time management coach, career coach, business coach or even a blog coach, right of the bat helps people to remember you as one, even after they leave your site.

Also that it helps your SEO of your website is an added bonus.

Related post: SEO For A Blogger – Things You Can Do Today!

3) Show your face and personality

The main reason that your audience followed you to your website is YOU. Unlike other company websites, the business of coaching largely depend on YOU, YOUR FACE AND YOUR PERSONALITY.

And that is why your coaching website cannot get away with a bland coaching website template and stock photos. No, that one dingy photo, taken 10 years ago, in about me section is not enough, especially for a coach!

Whether you are into life coaching, marketing coaching or time coaching, the personal connection is vital and people connect better to real persons, obviously.

The more you pepper your content with your personality, the more the chances of connecting with your audience as a person and the more the chances of conversion into sales.

Take some professional photographs, especially using on your website. It doesn’t have to be all serious and grim. Just remember to stick to the brand colors and mood, but otherwise, have some fun with it.

4) Clear aspirational goals

A person goes to a health coaching website to be inspired and guided towards a healthier lifestyle. Likewise, if you are overwhelmed and always running out of time, you might look for a time coaching website to learn to manage time better or to be more organized and productive in your life.

What I am getting at is, people come to your site looking for a benefit or an outcome towards a goal.

A good coach should help them visualize what they can achieve or manifest with your guidance. Putting the benefits they will derive out of your coaching session in an aspirational way will help your website convert visitors into clients easily.

Please take extra care that your aspirational goals are positive and encouraging, and doesn’t “put anyone down”, especially when you are dealing with tough and delicate situations like weight loss goals or financial guidance.

5) A clear offer

Once you have them hooked, you need to dish out the finer prints. AKA your offer. A good place to list and brief them about this would be on your menu bar, under the header “work with me” or “services”.

While you can be offering a number of services, make sure you explain them all individually and distinguish between the target audience, if they are different.

Even if your services are intangible, you have to make what you will deliver clearly. Some key aspects can be

  • Will your coaching be 1-on-1 or a group session?
  • How will your measure your client’s success?
  • How will you/they keep track of the progress?
  • How many hours or sessions will you spending, monthly or weekly?
  • How many hours or sessions do you expect your clients to work on your program (on their own)?

You are the one that has to lead the clients, not the other way around. You have to be prepared with a plan, though it can flexible, you should not expect them to come with one.

6) Show your expertise

Building a website is just one part of the whole online presence. But adding consistent and resourceful content on to your website will improve your authority as well as keep your website fresh.

Use your content to educate and inspire your followers and visitors, and thereby creating a good relationship with them. This personal connect will help you convert readers to potential clients.

Some ways to create content for your site

  • Write a series of how-to posts and e-books
  • Share past client success stories as a post
  • Include some resources like checklists and templates relevant to your niche
  • Add some fun quizzes and challenges
  • Videos and podcasts are great additions too.

If you are new to content creation or you hate doing it, and would rather spend your time on your clients, you can hire a SEO content writer (such as myself, he he!) to help you out.

Related post: Balancing Social Media And Blogging: How To Stay Sane?

7) Call for an action

Call to action is the one vital thing that every page or post in your website should begin and end with. People, especially first time visitors of a site, need a lot of encouragements and reminders to come out of their shells and engage with you.

Some good examples of CTAs are

  • Schedule a consulting call.
  • Sign up for your newsletter or
  • DM you on Instagram.

whichever is your preferred method of communication.

End every blog post with a question for your visitor to respond or even ask them to share it with their friends.

Related post: 10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Blogging

8) Reviews and other social proofs

Testimonials and reviews are a great way to convince that your methodology works. According to a recent survey, 9 out of 10 buyers consult online reviews before making any purchase.

Especially for a service offering like coaching, which depends a lot on trust and authority testimonials from past and present clients are critical.

Some questions you can ask them to help them share their feedback are:

  • How did your coaching help them?
  • What problems did they solve with their help?
  • Can they share some number and success stories like, number of clients gained, kilos lost, or a before and after picture etc.

Personal case studies and tangible/photographic evidences (of course with the required consents) will help you get those in dilemma to take the leap of faith.

Adding an “as seen on” or “logos of past clients” tab in your home page can improve your standing and build trust instantly.

9) Easy booking

Now that you have impressed them with your services and expertise, the worst that you can do to your business is making them jump through hoops to book you.

Yes, I am serious. It happens.

Put up a few easy, no-nonsense methods for your visitors to book an appointment with you or at least contact you easily.

A simple way to do that is to add in a contact form in your site. Instead of using a generic contact form, add in a few specific questions about them so that they will understand that you are interested in talking to them. It will also help you look professional when you contact them after you do some homework.

You can go a step further and add in call scheduling app (like Calendly) on your site. A “free” consulting call might help as a great sales funnel.

A site with call scheduling option immediately looks ten times more professional, than without one. And it is pretty easy to set one up.

10) Clean and professional looking website

When I say professional website design, it differs from person to person. But what I mean is, the layout should be easy to navigate and appealing to the eyes.

You can use a free template designs for your coaching business website or invest in a premium theme as well. Again, make sure you have a good hosting and speed too.

Do what works for you, but make sure you are not spending too much of your valuable time in tweaking or DIY-ing the site. For a few extra bucks, you can have your entire site designed and developed by a professional.

A final word

I know building a website might sound intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be difficult or expensive. In fact more than half of my clients have got their investment on their sites back in the first few months.

So take a leap of faith, and get your own website for your coaching business right now! And ensure you have these must-have things on your coaching business website to improve conversions!

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Who are your favorite coaches? How did you find their websites? Did I miss any of the must-have things on a coaching websites? Let us talk.


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