Sunday Musings #50: One With the May’19 Updates

The holy month of Ramadan is coming to an end and that means we have a week long holiday starting today. Initially I had planned to take a trip back home to India during the holidays, but then I almost had a heart attack just seeing the sky rocketed ticket prices. So now I will have to find things to do at home and about.

Not that it is very difficult but the fast approaching summer calls in for a quick holiday as a last hurrah (or not). So we are taking another beach staycation for three days. I will share more details in my next post.

Since this was a sudden plan I am yet to pack and there are a lot of things on my to do list for the day because we are leaving tomorrow at the dawn. So let’s get on with it, okay?

Between the TV marathons and reading eight good books, with occasional beach trips I think my May'19 was more spectacular than I anticipated. #May'19updates #monthlywrapup #SundayPost Share on X

Quick May’19 updates

  • May’19 proved to be a great month in terms of my reading habits and I read about eight books which is like the best in since ages. And unsurprisingly, I read so many good ones at that. 
  • Since we kinda expected the temperature to rise up sooner than it supposed to, we hit the beach more than what we do usually.
  • I think watching the entire Game of Thrones in less than three weeks should count for something right? So ya, I did that!

Between the TV marathon and reading good books, with occasional beach trips I think my May’19 was more spectacular than I would have imagined.

What I read this month:

Since I already screamed out enough about my reading month, shall I get to the books I read directly shall we?

  1. Giver, The Giver, The by Lois Lowry 
  2. Love Looks Pretty on You by Lang Leav 
  3. Kiss Quotient, The by Helen Hoang 
  4. Book Love by Debbie Tung 
  5. Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews 
  6. Big Four, The by Agatha Christie 
  7. Very Large Expanse of Sea, A by Tahereh Mafi 
  8. Hating Game, The by Sally Thorne

What I watched this month:

Here is a list of movies and TV series I watched in May’19

  • Game of Thrones – yes!
  • What is wrong with Secretary Kim? – Kdrama
  • Lucifer – Season 4 (frankly I am just glad it is done now)

On my blog

While we are here let us take a look at what happened on my blog last week, alright?

We started off with Sunday Musings #49: The Summer Is Coming – Just Dubai Things


On Monday I reviewed A Very Large Expanse Of Sea by Tahereh Mafi


We discussed Why Are Guest Posts Important To Indie Authors? on Wednesday.


I had Deeksha answering our questions to help us Getting To Know The Japanese Better on the Flyaway Friday


I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

I had a blast catching up with a lot of blogs (finally) last week and here are some of my favorites

From the Insta-world

Pin me!


Let us chat

How many of these books have you read? How was your May’19 and what are your plans for the new month? Has the summer reached you and if not, when does that happen?


  1. Sharon

    Eight books and hanging at the beach sounds EPIC…glad your May was better than you expected to be! Looking forward to your June vacation musings…have a great June!

  2. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I hope you enjoy your time off even if you aren’t going to India. Way to go on the reading books which are great. Happy reading in June.

    Anne – Books of My Heart

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  3. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Hope you’re enjoying your trip!! I’m impressed that you watched GoT in three weeks—I’m watching it now, but I’m forcing myself to ONLY watch when I do the elliptical, so I’m only getting in three or four episodes a week. It keeps me wanting to work out, though!!

    • Gayathri

      That sounds like a great bargain!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  4. Kymber Hawke

    Aww… so sorry you cannot go home, but I do hope you will still enjoy your vacation. 🙂

    I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I love how you layout your posts.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you! I enjoyed the vacation too.

  5. Kate @ Bitch Bookshelf

    What a great reading month for you. I’m interested in or already love a number of those books.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  6. Bentley

    You had an awesome month! 8 books is impressive!

    I was right there with you, with the GOT watching. I was on the edge of my seat, especially during episode 3!

    • Gayathri

      Yes and after that episode, did it all turn downwards?

  7. Nicole Pyles

    8 books are really good! I love your highlight post. This is interesting 🙂

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  8. Katisha @ Reel Literature

    Congrats to such a FABULOUS reading month!! I read The Kiss Quotient a few months ago and absolutely LOVED it! I really, really, really, really hope it gets an adaptation. It may be one of the few times I actually enjoy both the book and the movie.

    Your ability to watch Game of Thrones in less than a month is quite the feat and should be commended. I give you a standing ovation because I still haven’t had the time watch the show.

    In May, I’ve been trying to catch up with my posting schedule. I like to keep things in the bank so I can make sure the blog stays up to date while life is putting me through the ringer. And I’m waiting for summer to finally come. We are having some interesting weather in my neck of the woods.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you for your long comment. Yes I would love a movie adaptation for the Kiss Quotient as well. All the best on your scheduling! Hope your summer is better than mine.

  9. Ara @ Open Pages

    I read more than I expected in May! And I started a Booktube, which is something I am still figuring out.

    Hope June continues on to being a good month for you!

    • Gayathri

      Wow Booktube is huge step. All the best!

  10. Sophia @ Bookwyrming Thoughts

    Have fun at the beach! The temperature has definitely gone upward early compared to last year, unfortunately. 🙁 Less than 3 weeks watching Game of Thrones – wow, that is definitely something for sure. Good to hear you had a good reading month as well – I’ve only read The Giver by Lois Lowry.

    • Gayathri

      How did you like the Giver? I couldn’t better than a meh reaction!

  11. Lindy@ A Bookish Escape

    Yeah, everything is getting more expensive, so I understand about the plane ticket prices deterring you from India. I hope you have fun on your three day beach staycation though!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you. I hope I do too!

  12. Laura Thomas

    It’s sad that you can’t go home and I hope you enjoy your staycation:) I recorded the last season of Game Of Thrones and plan to start binging it tomorrow. I’m surprised I was able to avoid spoilers!

    • Gayathri

      I hope you enjoy it better than others did!

  13. Greg

    Glad May was good! And beach vacations are always nice. Hope you have a great week.

    Game of thrones in 3 weeks? Wow. 🙂

    Glad you had a good reading month too!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you, I had a fun vacation!

  14. Literary Feline

    I am sorry you are unable to go to India. Airline tickets are so high, especially this time of year. 🙁 Enjoy your staycation, however. Spending time on the beach sounds nice.

    I am glad you had such a good May–both in beach visits and reading. I wish I had been so lucky. I am hoping to up my reading this summer, but we will see.

    I hope you have a wonderful week!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you. I hope your summer gets better too!

  15. Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

    I’m sorry you were not able to head home. I hope you enjoy your mini-vacation just as well.

    One of my favorite parts of blogging is visiting other blogs and getting involved in book discussions. I like how you share some of your favorites here. I should do more of that.

    I loved The Giver. I could read that book again. I will one day.

    Have a lovely week.

  16. Genesis @ Whispering Chapters

    Elgee, your plans sound amazing! Get to packing, girl! And I remember when season 5 of GoT was on its finale, I binges the 5 seasons if 1 week and a half. So I totally feel you lol. Nights of no sleep whatsoever.
    Have a good staycation!

  17. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    You marathoned the entirety of GoT in 3 weeks?! That’s definitely an accomplishment!

    It sucks you can’t visit home because of the ticket prices. Hopefully, you’ll get another opportunity soon?


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!