Sunday Musings #37: One with a lesson on taking things for granted

Hola people,

While I have productive on the blog front and otherwise, mentally it has not been a great week. 

I had a tough week processing and adapting to a few new changes in my life and I had not realized how easily we take a few things and people for granted without even knowing. Well, one thing led to another and soon I went on a spiral which obviously didn’t end so well. 

Well, I am okay now, just a bit tired. 

But on the bright side, I have taken up to running again. All the stress have made the unbelievable happen, I am being not lazy. At least this week I was not.

SUnday post

Hope the pleasant weather in Dubai and the pretty sights on my trail would keep me motivated. Fingers crossed.

What I watched:

Did anyone else watch the Netflix series Bodyguard on Netflix? I liked how it kept me hooked until the end and of course, their accent. 

I am hoping to watch Glass on the theaters this week, so I did my homework and watched the Unbreakable and rewatched the Split last week. Oh I also watched Incredibles 1 and 2 as well.

I watched too many movies for my own good right? Well it reflects on my reading.

I watched too many movies for my own good and it reflected on my reading. Read more about my week! Share on X

What I read:

I am finally ticking off some of those bad boys from my TBR.

SUnday post

I added Eliza and her monsters about two years ago, when people were raving about its ARCs and I finally picked it as I needed to read something contemporary after the back to back classics I have been reading. 

And I should say it was worth the wait. Don’t forget to look out for its review soon. 

I am currently reading Persuasion by Jane Austen and Fahrenheit 451. Yes biggies, but I hope to manage. 

On my blog:

A quick recap of what happened on my blog last week, in case you were out of the loop.

Sunday Musings #36: The One About My Nightmares And Sleepless Nights 

SUnday post

Monday: Book Review: One Part Woman by Perumal Murugan

SUnday post

Wednesday: Discussion on Commenting Etiquette: Commenting On Other Blogs 

SUnday post

Friday: Ten Ridiculous Book Titles That Make Me Question My Sanity 

SUnday post

I am planning to do a Flyaway Friday feature on Netherlands soon and I am looking for guest blogger. If you are Dutch or you know anyone who would be willing to do one can you contact me. Help a fellow blogger out, please!

If you are #Dutch or you know anyone who would be willing to do a #guestpost on #Netherland for my #flyawayFriday feature can you contact me. Help a fellow blogger out, please! Share on X

Around the blogosphere:

Here is a quick run down of the blog posts that I enjoyed last week.

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Pin me!

SUnday post

Let us chat:

How was your week? Did you get any nightmares? Share with us your favorite find on the internet recently. Let us talk. 


  1. El

    Oh, I’m sorry you didn’t have the best week mentally. I hope it gets better now.

    Eliza and her Monsters has been on my TBR since it’s release and I really should get to it sometime soon. It sounds like something I could enjoy quite a lot.

    And I fully intend to watch a lot of Netflix or movies next week! I really need the break. (And I have a few shows I need to catch up on: Blacklist & Lucifer)

    • Gayathri

      I LOVED Eliza and her Monsters. You definitely have to read it! I Need to catch up on Lucifer as well.

  2. Daniela Ark

    Sorry to hear you were not in a good place mentally

    Life changes are definitely not easy. Take all the time you need. At least you realize something and that’s much better than still being in the dark I hope things are going better now. I heard running is a wonderful therapy!

    • Gayathri

      I agree with you, knowing is always better than being the dark. Thank you, things are lot better now.

  3. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    I’m glad to hear your doing well after a rough week. Hopefully this week treats your better.

    • Gayathri

      Yes the week has been a lot better, thank you!

  4. Maureen Bakker

    I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had such a rough week. * Sending you a virtual hug * I hope this week is much better.

    I haven’t seen the bodyguard yet, but I’ve heard many great things. I’m glad you liked it so much. That actor sure is nice to look at too. 😀

    I’m from the Netherlands.. Maybe I can help you out?! You can email me at if you’d like. 😉

    Have a great week and happy reading.

    • Gayathri

      Oh thank you Maureen. I just sent you a mail. And yes, Bodyguard guy looks good!

  5. Anne - Books of My Heart

    I’m sorry it was a difficult week. We are having trouble getting motivated right now here.

    Maureen is from the Netherlands, connects up to the Sunday post, is a nurse, has a new baby. You could comment or something to connect with her. Her blog is great.

    • Gayathri

      Thanks a lot for that info, I will buzz her right away.

  6. Kimberly @ Caffeinated Reviewer

    I hope this is a better week for you. I have not checked out Bodyguard yet. We have been watching The Travelers. Thanks for all the links!

    • Gayathri

      I checked for travelers but it isn’t on the Netflix here.

    • Gayathri

      Yes Fingers crossed.

  7. Andrew Blackman

    Sorry you had a tough week, Gayathri! Hope this coming week is much better. Thanks for linking to my post 🙂

    • Gayathri

      I hope so too!

  8. Greg

    Good luck with the running! And sorry to hear it was a rough week. I hope this one is better! I’m glad to hear that Eliza and her Monsters was good- I was mulling that over.

    Thanks for the links as well!

    • Gayathri

      Thanks for the kind words and I hope so too.

  9. Sam@wlabb

    Good luck with the running. That’s awesome that you are doing something that has so many positive benefits. I am a HUGE fan of Eliza and Her Monsters. It was wonderful!

    • Gayathri

      Thanks Sam! I loved it too!

  10. Sharon

    Hope running sticks the scenery looks wonderful. Running or any exercise really promotes better sleep and reduces stress.

    • Gayathri

      I totally hope it does stick.

  11. Kaleena @ Reader Voracious Blog

    Sorry to hear you had a difficult week, but I am glad you have taken running back up!

    Thank you so much for linking to my Google Translate post, and I hope you have a wonderful week!

    • Gayathri

      I loved your post and it made me laugh!

  12. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Sorry that you had a stressful week, and I hope that running helps you burn off some of that steam! Thanks for sharing my post, too—and all the others. I think I ended up clicking on almost all of them!

    • Gayathri

      I think that is why I have begun to run again. Thanks for understanding.

  13. Laura Thomas

    Gosh, I’m sorry things weren’t going well for you. It’s good to hear you are doing better and running again. I watched too much telly this week too! Sometimes I go for days without turning it on, and then I binge everything.

    • Gayathri

      That is exactly what I did as well. I had been on Netflix/TV Ban for about three months and here I am back to binging. I wonder if it is unhealthy or weird.

      • Laura Thomas

        If it is, we aren’t alone. I read a lot of comments about others doing the same thing. Binging seems to be the norm now.

        • Gayathri

          So we are cool now! FINALLY!

  14. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks

    Oh no, what happened? I hope everything’s alright. Happy to hear you’ve taken up running again though – I always struggle with exercise myself x.x

    P.S. I think Lia is from the Netherlands, although she doesn’t blog anymore. I’ll try to remember some more bloggers from Netherlands.

    And I’m totally marking that funniest Amazon titles post for later 😀

    • Gayathri

      I am doing good Eva and thanks for your words. I will try asking Lia anyway!

  15. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I can relate to tough weeks. Movie watching can be a wonderful distraction.

    Thanks for sharing, and enjoy the new week. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    • Gayathri

      Movies are how I got myself through the week!

  16. Kymber Hawke

    I haven’t seen The Bodyguard but I just finished Medici and liked that a lot. I love historical fiction.

    I hope this week is much better for you than the last.

    • Gayathri

      I will have to check that out on Netflix as well but I am not sure if it is available on this side of the earth.

    • Gayathri

      Yes thank you for the kind words.

  17. Nicci @ Sunny Buzzy Books

    I definitely work better on a shorter deadline. The farther something is, the more I procrastinate so a long deadline ends up becoming short by default for me, lol.

    The Bodyguard is one of those shows everyone was talking about when it first aired on BBC One. I still haven’t caught up with it but I definitely want to! Glad you enjoyed.

    • Gayathri

      Yes I have a mate as I definitely do that as well.


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!