Tag: Book blogger’s Two truths and a lie – Can you spot them?

I love doing tags on my blog. Not just answering the tag questions through a post, but I really love reading them on others blogs as well. It is a great way to get to know the bloggers up and close as they reveal personal little details about them. (It didn’t sound as creepy until I typed it out).

But you wouldn’t believe me if you see my posts, because it has been months since I did a tag on my blog. And when Kaleena from Reader Voracious tagged me to play this little game called ‘Two truths and a lie’, I marked a spot for it right then on my blog calendar. (Yes I have one, these days and I am being extremely organized. Please don’t question me).

She even handed out this awesome little guideline, so that even people like me, (the ones who ask ‘what?’ just after you finish explaining something) can follow it easily. I am just going to copy paste it, so that I don’t mess it up. 

Elgeewrites Tag: Book blogger's Two truths and a lie - Can you spot them? What


  • Create a post with your two bookish truths and one bookish lie – but be sure to keep it a secret so your readers can guess!
  • Reveal the lie in a spoiler at the bottom of your post (you can use this HTML code!)<details><Summary>Reveal the Lie</Summary>Lie Revealed</details>
  • Tag 8 friends to play along.
  • Link back to the original post so I can see all your secrets!

I would love it if you tag me in your post, so that I can see them as well! 

Two truths and a lie

So here I go. Try finding out which is which.

  1. I have gone without reading for years.
  2. hate DNF-ing books and I almost never do that. 
  3. I am an introvert who hides behind books to avoid talking to people.


I tag my entire gang from Book Dragon’s India

  1. Fanna @ Fannatility
  2. Nandini @ Unputdownable Books
  3. Simant @ Flipping Through the Pages
  4. Sahi @ My World of Books
  5. Charvi @ Not Just Fiction
  6. Mathangi @ The Word Glutton
  7. Shruti @ This is Lit
  8. Dany @ Ambivert Words

Any of you want to do it anyway please consider yourself tagged. 

And the secret is revealed

Reveal the Lie#2 I am not an introvert. I love hanging out with people and being the center of attraction. While I love reading and books, I don’t choose them over people.

Okay, I kinda do that, but not always. Who am I kidding? I would do that any day. All I am saying is I AM NOT AN INTROVERT. Sigh!

Pin me!

Two truths and a lie tag

Let us chat

Let me know how you fared in trying to outwit my lies. And if you try this out give me a tag so that I will be able to read about you. Let us chat.


  1. I guessed incorrectly. I thought #1 was the lie. I am a serious introvert! This looks like a fun tag 🙂

  2. This was a fun tag. I did not guess the answer correctly. I believed 1 & 3 to be true.

    1 because I have been through a similar phase, so I know readers can take long-ish sabbaticals from reading. And 3 because, I think I just assume most bookish folk on the internet are introverts, lol.

    In my case though, all 3 of those statements would be true. Except the fact that I don’t choose books over close friends and family – I like spending time with them over reading books. 🙂

  3. I was so sure that 1 was the lie. I just automatically assume that everyone in the Internet is an introvert these days. 😅 Thanks for the tag!

  4. Oh no! I couldn’t guess that! I thought it’s the first one because I guess, every book lover is kinda an introvert but then, I had to pay a price for giving in to a stereotype, haha 😀 As for the DNF one, I checked your GR shelves and I couldn’t find a DNF list so I figured that was a truth. Loved doing this! <3

  5. Haha, I guessed it right 😀 I knew first two were true because I have been following your blog since a long time now, and I know that much about you 😀
    Hoping to do this tag soon 🙂 Thank you for tagging me.

  6. AW I would’ve had guessed the DNF aswell ! darng it! ahah

    I also LOVE to do and read tags, so fun and you know so much about people behind the blog xx

  7. Ooh love this tag! It is such a short but interesting one- just what I need when I have such a hectic schedule. Will be doing this one soon, thanks for tagging 😊

    Also whoops I guessed wrong. I thought the DNF one was a lie 😛

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