Winter in Dubai: Sunday Musings #105

January is a good time to visit Dubai because it is the winter, aka my most favorite season of the year. We had the coldest period of the year in the last few days and I loved it.

Coldest winter in Dubai
Credit: Time and Date

Of course this is still the Covid era and I didn’t go out as much as I usually do. How cold is your place right now?

How cold is your place right now? And what is the lowest temperature it can go to? How was your week? Let's talk. Share on X

What I read this week

I finished reading my first book of the year already putting me on track for my yearly challenge of 52 books. I read Mexican Gothic by Silvia Moreno-Garcia this week and I will be posting a review soon.

What I watched this week

Last week I watched the Imposter and I had to binge watch the two seasons in just two days. I really enjoyed the first season more than the second.

Earlier, I also watched Collateral on Netflix. What have you been watching these days?

On my blog

In case you missed the posts from my blog, last week.

2021 plans: What to expect of me

2021 plans Featured

December 2020 wrap up: Sunday Musings #104

Elgeewrites Winter in Dubai: Sunday Musings #105 SM104F

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

From the Insta-world

Here is what I posted on Instagram during the week. Give me a follow, will you?

Pin me!

Winter in Dubai

Let us chat

How cold is your place right now? And what is the lowest temperature it can go to? How was your week? Let’s talk.


  1. This weekend has been the first cold few days to be honest. It has been around -2 to -4 degrees Celsius. And I love those temperatures. I hope we will get some snow too soon. My daughter hasn’t seen any snow yet, and she’s two. We used to get snow here atleast once a year.. but this last two years almost nothing.
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  2. I love these photos! Yay for that weather! I bet it’s divine! We are in the -3Cs right about now. It’s cold as heck but hopefully spring will start soon. Have a great week and happy reading!!

  3. The Silent Patient looks really good. I’ll have to check that one out.

    It doesn’t get very cold here. We are sort of a tropical climate, but it’s been much cooler than usual here this week.

    I hope you have a great week!

  4. Let’s see by Chicago it is -2 Celcius right now, which is actually ‘decent’ for January 🙂 I look forward to hearing what you thought of Mexican Gothic. It’s a good one! I agree Imposters season 1 was better than 2! Have a great day!

  5. Can’t wait to hear what you thought about Mexican Gothic! I’ve heard so many mixed reviews and I’m dying to read it! I live in the US north East so winters here can be very harsh but this year has been very mild. Scary mild I would say. Global warming scary 🙁 Have a great week!

  6. I’m in the Southern Hemisphere, so we have summer at the moment. Hot and very humid this passed week. Our lowest temperature is about 10 degrees Celsius, but then it’s really cold!!! Average Winter temp is around 16/17 degrees.

    Happy reading this week!

    Elza Reads

  7. Our temperatures don’t go very low…we’re in the 30s right now, but it will rise to the 60s by the end of the day.

    I enjoyed The Silent Patient…and my favorite thing in thrillers is short chapters that keep the pace going.

    Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

  8. It is midwinter here too, Gayathri and the last week was particularly cold, with temperatures ranging between -1 & 2℃, but the wind has made feel even colder. Sadly only got a dusting of snow – I really wanted more! ☃ As for my viewing, I have been re-watching series one of A Discovery of Witches ready to start the newly released series two, and I have started watching Down to Earth with Zac Efron. 😊 Take care and happy reading! 🙂

  9. It’s mid summer here but it’s been raining for weeks. Temperatures have stayed around the mid twenties (Celsius) though and humidity is sky high so it’s not cold at all.

    I’m binging a British Crime show – Vera which is based on Ann Cleaves book series.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. I am enjoying the weather where I live right now too. It’s just warm enough (21C) to open the windows during the day. The nights have been cold though, around 2C. We’d had a colder spell the weeks before.

    I look forward to reading your thoughts on Mexican Gothic.

    I hope you have a great week, Gayathri.

  11. That actually sounds pretty pleasant there at the moment. It’s 21 (!!!) here at the moment which would be about -6 C I guess. Cold!! Also I’ll have to check out those Netflix shows- I’m in need of a new show to binge.

    I’ve been enjoying all the lights displays I’ve been seeing. Nice to see how different areas celebrate.

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