Introducing: Spotlight Sunday
As I promised earlier there are going to be a lot of changes in my blog this year. Among the first of these changes, I will be posting thrice a week and do a weekly round up post, instead of…
As I promised earlier there are going to be a lot of changes in my blog this year. Among the first of these changes, I will be posting thrice a week and do a weekly round up post, instead of…
Do you think these sidekicks are cooler than the leads? Give them a shout out. Did I include your favorite fictional sidekick? Let me know if I had missed anyone.
I know it is that time of the year! New year and resolution fevers are everywhere. As I keep telling you December is my second favorite month because of the festive season and I start being all hyper right from…
Have you read Chess Story by Stefan Zweig? Do you read literary fiction? Which is your favorite literary fiction? Let us talk.
I know, yet another new year is here!! If you know anything about me, you should have guessed this. Christmas and New Year’s Eve are my favorite celebrations ever, only topped by my own birthday. Even though technically I don’t celebrate…
You know what makes a winter night cozier? Hot chocolate? Yeah, that too but more so a romance. It has been years since I read a Nora Robert but I remember seeing Come Sundown on the Amazon top seller list…
I probably am the last person to do this ‘Naughty or nice’ tag but hey Santa has not visited yet, so technically I can still do this, can’t I? This is the perfect tag to spread the Christmas cheer and…
Earlier I had asked if anyone was willing to make new blogger friends, who would enjoy reading your posts and willingly comment on your blogs. And it was not surprising to me at all that many of you signed up…
Have you read The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli? Did you enjoy the diverse characters or you had the problems that I did?