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Perfect book quotes for Instagram captions
Year in review: Most popular posts of 2020
Bullet journal ideas for books and reading
Can beta readers steal your work?
One of the major concerns for indie authors when hiring a beta reader is about the safety of their manuscript. Can beta readers steal my work? Will they publish my manuscript as theirs? Will they rip my beloved characters off…
How using Instagram for books and reading changed my life
Bookish questions for your bookstagram
I am sure feeling lost when it comes to starting new conversations is pretty common – be it online or in real life. I hope these bookish questions would be help you kick start new topics. Let me know if…
How to write book reviews – a guide
You have just finished reading a book. Now what? Why not write a book review on your own blog or other sites, so that the author and the other readers might benefit from it? Here is a quick guide on…
Adding WordPress follow button to your self hosted sites
Things To Do Without Leaving Your House
With almost 25% of the countries in the world have imposed a lock down due to the Corona virus pandemic, staying in seems the only way to go. And that might be a bit too convenient for us bookworms, right?…