It is my Birthday & less important things: Sunday Musings #70

Week 5 of quarantine and I am finally getting to the groove of being productive with people around me and the house. But there is more important news for the week. Yes! It is my birthday today.

I am turning one more year older today and so far I still do not feel a bit adult-er than the day I left college those many years ago. And as every adult should, I know it is more adult and not adult-er, but let it be. It is my birthday! 

Today and the rest of the week is gonna be similar to the others, again. Home made food, Netflix and Amazon binge and working from the couch and turning in early. But there might be a cake today! Fingers crossed. Otherwise, sigh! Can’t wait to break this pattern. 

Today & the rest of the week is gonna be similar to others, again. Home food and working from the couch. But there might be a cake! Cuz it is ma birthday! Share on X

What I read this week

This was an okay reading week. I read only one book, as per my usual. But that one has been a good one. 

I read The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie for my ClassicsNChristie Book club. I have picked up Yes No Maybe next and might finish in a day or so. 

What I watched this week

I figured if I can’t read all the Stephen King books, I will try to watch all their adaptations. Let us take the easy way out, right? So last month, I watched the Outsider and the season 1 of Mr Mercedes. 

And this week I continued that streak and watched a lot!

  • Mr Mercedes Season 2 and 3
  • Jane the Virgin – S5 last few episodes
  • Sabrina Part 3 (currently watching)

And last night while I watched Onward and I loved it so much. Another good one from PIXAR! 

On my blog

In case you had missed some of my posts from last week, here is a quick recap.

A book review on 10 Minutes 38 Seconds In This Strange World


Indie Guest Post: Self-Publishing On Amazon: 4 Tips For Indie Authors


March 2020 – Life Updates: Sunday Musings #69


On the news this week, here are links that I enjoyed during this week’s blog hopping. 

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

From the Insta-world

Pin me!


Let us chat

So let us hear it from you. How has your week been? Have you finally got a method to this madness? When is your birthday? Let us talk.


  1. Hi there! I tried commenting when you posted this to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY but something seems to be wrong on my end because I get errors. Since I KNOW I got an error on your blog, I came back here to test out commenting to try to fix it. I’m sorry if this is annoying, I just don’t know how else to test if I’ve fixed my commenting issue. >.<

    If this comment finally worked, I hope you enjoyed your birthday!

  2. Happy Birthday G!!!! I hope you had a nice day despite everything going on, and I definitely hope you got to have some cake. Everyone should have cake on their birthday.

    I really enjoyed Onward too! It was one of the last movies I saw in the theaters before the pandemic hit.

    I recently finished The Bride Test, which I highly recommend if you enjoyed The Kiss Quotient. I believe it’s Helen Hoang’s second book. I finished it in less than a week!!! I have never finished a book that quickly.

    Wishing you a great week, good reading, and plenty of Netflix and Amazon marathons!!!

  3. Belated happy birthday to you. You are one of those lucky ones who celebrated birthdays during the quarantine period. At least you have your family complete around you and its already a great blessing. My son will also celebrate his birthday before April ends and that is still part of quarantine period in our country.
    By the way, I am new in blogging and I hope you can support me. Just recently, I made a challenge to myself to visit at least 10 blogs for the next 21 days. As I visit blogs, I will leave comment and put your link on my blog too. Hope you can visit my blog too.
    I followed your blog too.

  4. Thanks for sharing this! I still haven’t found the right groove yet to be productive. It still feels like chaos living like this haha. Doesn’t help that I’ve been sick for a couple of weeks so I’ve been missing the daily dog walks and dog training ( we have a younger dog of 10 months old ) and the amount of schoolwork my 7 years old has gotten so far really demotivates me, lol.

    How is Jane the Virgin? Came across the series a couple of times. Onward looks like such a fun movie and one that’s great to watch with the entire family so we really need to add it to our watchlist xD

    Great weekly wrap up!

  5. Happy birthday! It is great to celebrate our special day. Even in isolation. Maybe especially in isolation.

    I still don’t feel grown (adult-er), and I am definitely very old. LOL.

    Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

  6. So let us hear it from you. How has your week been? Have you finally got a method to this madness? When is your birthday? Let us talk.

    Happy Birthday, hope it will be cake =)

    well my weekend have been more than anything reading, currently finishing 100 years of solitude and doing courses on event planning and management and sales, pretty interesting, next I will go onward with life style and beauty blogging one, For me nothing has change much, I usually kept to my house a lot so, and my bday is on november 16

  7. Happy, happy birthday! It’s my daughter’s friend’s birthday today too and she was so bummed about not having a party and seeing her friends so we shipped her a gift. Everything is weird right now, but hopefully will get better sooner than later. I love Agatha Christie. I hope you enjoy all the suspense/mystery books you can get to. We watched Onward last night too and enjoyed it. Have a wonderful week and thanks for stopping by!

  8. I’m still working so I don’t have to find a way to cope. I work long hours, come home, sleep, eat and repeat. LOL I do binge Netflix on my days off though. Happy Birthday!

  9. Hope you have a lovely birthday!

    Love Agatha Christie, but it’s been a long time since I’ve picked up her books. Must get back to her someday. Now I usually watch film adaptations of the stories. I wouldn’t watch Pale Horse on Amazon. It was horrible!

  10. Happy Birthday! That is indeed reason to celebrate today. I will have ice cream in your honor. 🙂 I am glad you enjoyed The Sittaford Mystery. My reading is still off, but I did fit in a book of poetry last week, which I thoroughly enjoyed and I finished another book I’d been working on for awhile. Wasn’t Onward great? We really enjoyed it too. I hope you have a good week. Stay safe and well!

  11. Happy birthday!
    I hope you have a lovely day even though it may not be celebrated the way you’d usually do so. 🙂

  12. Happy Birthday Gayathri! I hope you’re able to celebrate even while staying at home. And a cake sounds delicious.
    It’s good that you’ve found a rhythm to your confinement, I’m still kind of on and off with that. But that’s OK, too.
    Have a good week ahead, stay safe and healthy, and happy reading 🙂

  13. Happy Birthday! I hope there was cake ( and now, I want cake). I might actually check Onward out. Other than Toy Story 4, I have loved all the Pixar films. It looks adorable too.

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