March 2020 – life updates: Sunday Musings #69

How are you all doing? I am grateful that the whole of March 2020 is done now and we are into a new month. Despite everything that is saying in the contrary, I am excited to step into April. And it is just not about being my birthday month, but also because.. Okay I am lost. It is definitely only about my birthday!

Despite everything that is saying in the contrary, I am excited to step into April. Let us talk about some of the good things that happened in March 2020. Or at least try to. Share on X

I know. I know. The world looks grim and futile, in general. And mostly my birthday is gonna be super ultra low key, but still that is the only thing that is helping me face the day and continue to hear more morbid news. So let me have it. Please. 

Also let us talk about some of the good things that happened in March 2020. Or at least try to.

Quick May’19 updates

  • Just before the social distancing fervor started, I took a trip to the beach and had dinner at one of my favorite places. 
  • And guess what? I think I have not stepped out after that, other than the one time I had to buy grocery from a store. Well, there is a thing called door delivery, so I have not stepped out of my house in 15+ days now. I should get an award, y’all.
  • We had some rain in Dubai. And the clouds looked really scary. Photos for reference. 

Well, nothing else happened in March, okay? I give up.

What I read this month:

March 2020 was an average reading month for me. I read 5 books and no 2 or fewer stars among them. Good right?

  • Poet X, The by Elizabeth Acevedo
  • From Twinkle, with Love by Sandhya Menon
  • Bride Test, The by Helen Hoang
  • 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World by Elif Shafak
  • Mrs. Everything by Jennifer Weiner

And I am currently reading The Sittaford Mystery by Agatha Christie. 

That gives me a chance to show where I stand on my 2020 A to Z reading challenge now. 

What I watched this month:

Here is a list of my top pick of movies and TV series I watched in March 2020 in no particular order.

  • Shutter Island (I know I had missed out years on this)
  • The boy 2
  • On my block S2 
  • Sherlock (Rewatch)
  • Brooklyn 99 S6The
  • Outsider 
  • Mr Mercedes – S1

I am currently catching up on Jane the Virgin, the new season, 5 I think. 
In case you had missed reading any of my recent posts, here is a quick recap.

On my blog

Book review of March 2020:

Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
How To Build A Heart by Maria Padian
Bookish Life Of Nina Hill, The by Abbi Waxman
Kiss Quotient, The by Helen Hoang

Sunday posts of March 2020:

Scarier CoVID19 Pandemic!: Sunday Musings #68
Social Distancing And The New Lifestyle!: Sunday Musings #67
Corona/CoVID And Other Updates: Sunday Musings #66
February 2020 – life updates: Sunday Musings #65

Other posts:
Things To Do Without Leaving Your House
Tag: Behind The Blogger

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

Also I did post on Instagram during the week. Are you following me already?

Pin me!

March 2020

Let us chat

How was your week and the whole of March 2020? What are you currently watching and reading? Are you happy with your country’s steps towards controlling COVID19 virus? let us talk.


  1. Bianca

    Sherlock is one of my favorite series. I also haven’t left the house in 15 days😂

    • Gayathri


  2. Kal @ Reader Voracious

    Happy birthday month, Gayathri! I think it is wonderful that you are focusing on the positive and have something to look forward to, I hope that even though it’s lowkey it is a good one. The rain clouds look so stormy! We had some monster clouds yesterday and I was convinced the heavens were going to open up on me while I was grocery shopping (thankfully they waited until I got home).

    • Gayathri

      Thank you! Ha ha, your comment made me laugh.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you!

  3. Katiria Rodriguez

    Amazing post and Happy Birth Month. Thank you so much for sharing your awesome post.

    • Gayathri

      Thank you so much!

  4. Jenn @ Bound to Writing

    Happy birth month! My birthday just passed and it was definitely a different celebration, but my family did a great job of creating memories.

    • Gayathri

      I am glad you had a good birthday celebration despite the circumstances.

  5. DJ Sakata

    Happy Birthmonth!
    With all the weirdness in the world – I’m glad I’ve got a huge stash of books

    • Gayathri

      Thank you! You are settled for the lock down!

  6. Kymber Hawke

    Happy birthday this month! Is Mr. Mercedes good? I just finished The Outsider recently which also features Holly Gibney.

    I love Agatha Christie. I went through a phase where I read most of her books, devouring them. lol

    • Gayathri

      Yes. I am liking Mr Mercedes. I am on the 3rd season now.

  7. Shelleyrae @ Book’d Out

    It’s my birthday month too, but it will be unremarkable day. I hope your will be wonderful!

    Wishing you a great reading week and good health

    • Gayathri

      Mine is on 12th and when would yours be? Advance birthday wishes anyway!

  8. Maureen @ Maureen's Books

    It’s so crazy to me that it is already April. Although March seemed to go by very slowly at the time.. I keep wondering what I did that month?!
    I can’t wait to read The Bride Test. I loved The Kiss Quotient so much.

    Stay safe and happy reading.

    • Gayathri

      Ha ha that is how March felt for me too!

  9. Rachel

    It’s important to stay positive so it’s great that you’re excited for your birthday month! You do deserve an award for staying in for 15+ days! I need to re-read some of the Agatha Christies! It’s been a long time. Hope you enjoy The Kiss Quiotient as much as I did! 🙂

    • Gayathri

      15+ days and counting is the worst part!

  10. Natalie @Natflix&Books

    I’ve gone out a couple of times for groceries at that is all for the last 3 weeks. Definitely ready for this to be over. I enjoyed The Outsider, although I did think it could have been shorter (like the book itself). Stay safe and happy reading!

    • Gayathri

      Yes, I agree it could have brief! I have not read the book though.

  11. Literary Feline

    I think your birthday is definitely cause for celebration! We have to take joy where we can, right? And birthdays are important. 🙂 I am really curious about Mrs. Everything. And I see you read Poet X! I hope you have a good April! Take care and stay safe and well.

    • Gayathri

      Yes I am hoping it won’t be a dud!

  12. vvb

    Helen Hoang had me at Kiss Quotient. She is one of my fave romance writers 🙂 I like your city pics.

    • Gayathri

      Yes, I love both of her books.

  13. Greg

    Ooh happy birthday this month!! Exciting. Hopefully you can have a fun one in spite of all this corona business. 🙂

    I love your pics. Dubai looks beautiful! Those clouds do look kind of rough though… 🙂

    I need to look into door delivery!

    • Gayathri

      Thank you. I hope so too!

  14. Laurel-Rain Snow

    I enjoyed Mrs. Everything and The Bookish Life of Nina Hill.

    Thanks for sharing those great photos…and for visiting my blog.

    Stay safe!

    • Gayathri

      We seem to have a similar taste in reading.

  15. Shruti

    That drink looks amazing. <3

    Also Mr. Mercedes is a TV show now? Is it based on Stephen King’s book?

    • Gayathri

      YES! It is a Stephen King adaptation!


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Gayathri has been reviewing books since 2010. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. Head over to meet me!