beta readers can steal my work elgee writes Featured

Can beta readers steal your work?

One of the major concerns for indie authors when hiring a beta reader is about the safety of their manuscript. Can beta readers steal my work? Will they publish my manuscript as theirs? Will they rip my beloved characters off me? These questions must plague your mind,...

Year in review: Most popular posts of 2020

Did your favorite posts get a spot on my popular posts of 2020? What do you think are the factors that can get a post to viral? Let’s chat.

Book Review: And the Mountains Echoed

I just have to begin with I love Khaled Hossieni. There is something magical (sounds cliche I know) about his writing, his choice of words, metaphors and not the least the portrayal of human emotions. This is the second book of his that I am reading (and his third...

Amazing benefits of waking up early: 5 tips that work

What does your morning look like? How early do you wake up? And what are the other benefits of waking up early, according to you? Let us talk.

How to update old posts for better SEO ranking and more traffic

How often do you update old posts? Have you seen any improvement in your organic traffic? What other blogging topics do you want to discuss.

Create a blogging schedule that you’ll actually stick to

How hard is it for you to create a blogging schedule that you’ll stick to? What are the challenges you face when you make one? Let us talk.

How to feel better about yourself: 7 Tips to help you right away!

It is quite easy to get bogged by all these negativity, but hey, we can’t give in, can we? So here are a few tips on how to feel better about yourself even on your bad days #emotionalwellbeing #Mentalhealthmatters

Join the Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021!

Have you signed for the Comment 4 Comment Challenge 2021 edition? Were you part of the past years’ challenges? Let us chat.

Why book blogging is different from other niches?

As someone who has been a book blogger for a while and silently lurking in the blogging world for even longer, believe me when I say that book blogging is not like the other niches of blogging out there. True that blogging is blogging and you are anyway talking...

Importance of blogging consistently: Do you need a blog schedule?

Do you have a blogging schedule? What are your struggles when it comes to blogging consistently? What are your success parameters as a book blogger? Let us talk.

Gayathri profile photo elgee writes

Gayathri loves reading, recommending books and talking about bookish things in real life. Her blog is just an extension of that habit. She has been reviewing since 2010 and her short stories have been published as parts of anthologies. When she is not reading books or creating online content, she works as a writer and a digital marketer. She lives currently at Dubai.

Head over to meet me!

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Elgee Writes – Beta reader, book blogging & book reviews

Elgee Writes focuses on bringing books, authors, blogging and everything in between under one fold. It is a blog for publishers, writers, bloggers and readers, alike. If you like what I do buy me a Kofi!

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