August 2020 monthly wrap up: Sunday Musings #91

I am finally happy to announce that the temperature is receding and I have a hope that the short fall and the eventual winter might be nearer.

How has your August been? What are you watching and reading these days? Don't forget to link me to your monthly wrap up post so that I can take a look at them. Let's talk. Share on X

On other news, the last week staycation was great and I hadn’t realized how much I needed that. Of course I was (almost “over the top”) cautious and followed all safety precautions. I will attach some pictures for you guys to enjoy!

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Now on to the review of the month aka August 2020 wrap up!

Quick August’20 updates

  • I had a below the average reading month because I spent most of the time reading manuscripts as a beta reader. I think August and July were the most busy months ever in terms of commissioned for beta reading work.
  • Staying in for most of the summer worked but I still managed to get sunburnt more than once. I am probably a tarnish to all the dark skinned Indians who have probably never used the sunscreen in their entire life.
  • We finally took our two day vacation at Ras Al Khaimah and spent almost every possible moment on the beach and the pool. Much needed cool off.

What I read this month:

As I mentioned earlier, it has not been a good reading month and am terribly off the Goodreads challenge charts – not to say anything about the A to Z reading challenge as well.

I am still hoping to catch them up in the upcoming months. I just read two books this month and I have already reviewed them both on the blog.

  1. Henna Artist, The by Alka Joshi
  2. Virgin River by Robyn Carr

What I watched this month:

I didn’t watch much this month except for Modern Family, which I loved to bits.

What else should I be watching on Netflix?

On my blog

In case you missed the posts from my blog, last week.

Book Reviews from August’20

Sunday personal posts from the month

Other posts from the month

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme.

Around the blogosphere

I went on blog hopping spree last week and these are the posts that I loved. I hope you enjoy them as well.

Caitlin talks about her experiences on blog hopping and how she does it all on her blog.

Lauren from Love Yo Shelf wrote a thought provoking piece on being an ally and why it matters.

I recently came across Lauren’s post on using fonts on her blog Northern Plunder.

Fighting against the blogger burn out? Jei shares her tips on the topic on her blog A novel idea.

From the Insta-world

Here is what I posted on Instagram during the month. Give me a follow, will you?

Pin me!

Elgeewrites August 2020 monthly wrap up: Sunday Musings #91 SM91P

Let us chat

How has your August been? What are you watching and reading these days? Don’t forget to link me to your monthly wrap up post so that I can take a look at them. Let’s talk.


  1. It looks like your August has been plenty productive! I love a good staycation, and I’m glad you enjoyed yours.

    I feel like August flew by for me! I am proud to say I am ahead of my Goodreads challenge, but my goal is a low number. I’ve been watching America’s Next Top Model on Hulu, and I’m currently reading Mr. Jay’s debut novel The Meltdown. It’s a must-read for ANTM fans!

  2. It was 117F here this past Sunday. We are seeing a cooling trend now, fortunately. Hopefully it will last. The warmer temperatures usually hang around here until mid-October, but I would love to see fall come early this year.

    I am glad you enjoyed your staycation. I imagine you wish it was a bit longer! Thank you for sharing the lovely photos! Oh, the beach! How fun!

    As few books as you read, it sounds like you actually did quite a bit of reading this past month work-wise! I hope at least it was interesting reading.

    Have a great rest of the week! Happy reading!

  3. Your pictures are gorgeous especially the beach, it looks idyllic.

    I love a Modern Family, have you tried Life in Pieces, it’s very similar and just as good. I can only find it on Amazon Prime, you might find it elsewhere.

    Have a good week!

  4. I’m glad to hear your staycation was a success. I only have one more week of work to go before our staycation starts. I’m excited!
    I’ll be checking out your review of ‘Virgin River’ next. πŸ˜‰
    Have a great week and happy reading.

  5. So glad you enjoyed your staycation and yes – we do need that and we should all learn to take more of those!

    I love your reading selections. Great to see reviews and chats about books that’s not necessarily on the current best seller list or new releases.

    Hope you will have a good week and a wonderful reading month!

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