Me Talk Pretty One Day: A Book review

Have you read Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris? What is your favorite memoir? Is it funny? Let us talk.

I have a thing for funny biographies. Either I love them or hate them completely there is no in between. So when a couple of my friends went gaga over David Sedaris, I simply had to pick Me Talk Pretty One Day up. I know it has been a while since I read this one but is never too late right? 

I couldn't stop thinking a dull, wry version of Michael Scott while I was reading the book #MeTalkPrettyOneDay. #Humor #Bookreview Share on X

About Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day

Book Name: Me Talk Pretty One Day

Author: David Sedaris

Genre: Fiction – Non Fiction, Humor

Characters: David Sedaris

Setting: Paris, France, Raleigh, North Carolina, and New York, The USA

Plot summary of Me Talk Pretty One Day

Me Talk Pretty One Day consists of two part. The first part deals with David’s life before he moved to France that talks about his childhood, the speech therapy for his lisp, his odd jobs and his girlfriend.

The second part about his life after moving to Normandy with his partner Hugh where he struggles with the language. 

Book review of Me Talk Pretty One Day

As I told you earlier, I chose this book only due to the hype around and I should confess that I wasn’t impressed. I smiled at a few places but most of the time I was bored. I felt Sedaris was ranting about his uninteresting life on and on. 

I guess talking about drugs, poop and making fun about one’s family is not my kinda comedy. I felt like I was reading someone else’s diary filled with private jokes. 

Things that worked for me

  • The essays are short and of the perfect length that will hold your attention. 
  • If you are a fan of slapstick comedy then this book will work well for you.
  • I heard that the audiobook is much better. 

Things that didn’t work for me

  • I couldn’t relate with Sedaris or his lifestyle at all. 
  • Me Talk Pretty One Day talks about the author’s addiction to narcotics in detail, and I didn’t personally find them funny.


I couldn’t stop thinking a dull, wry version of Michael Scott while I was reading the book. If you like comedy that are based on self deprecation and narcotic drugs then this book is for you. 

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Me Talk Pretty One Day

Let us chat

Have you read this one? What is your favorite memoir? Is it funny? Let us talk.


  1. Uh yes, humour is really hit or miss. That’s the reason I rarely pick up books like this. The chance is just too big that I’ll end up not liking them …
    Hope you enjoy the next book you read more 🙂

  2. I have to say I did enjoy Sedaris (though I did not think I will); and then some of those really goofy essays that were age-appropriate for older teens – my son thought they were hilarious and sharing those reads did make me enjoy them more..
    But I can definitely see why it did not work for you ; i have seen that people either like or don’t enjoy his writing so far among those i know..

  3. I am pleased to see your great review. I do not like slapstick comedy. I like humour to be witty and intelligent.

  4. I”m sorry this one didn’t work for you, but I think I would have similar feelings about this one.

  5. Thanks for your candid review! Like your friend, I listened to Sedaris read this on audio many years back, and I remember doing way too much ugly guffaw-laughing in public. Maybe his voice helps guide the narrative and set the punchlines?

  6. I almost always choose to listen to audiobooks of biographies for some reason. I just find they are more enjoyable to me that way because you’re actually HEARING it from the author. If I read this one, I’ll take the advice of your friends and listen to the audiobook!

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