Tag: Types of Memes – bookish version
Don’t we all love some memes? I know I know. They are things that everyone hate or love and there is no in between and you can’t escape them, right? Okay so I was looking around for a tag that…
Don’t we all love some memes? I know I know. They are things that everyone hate or love and there is no in between and you can’t escape them, right? Okay so I was looking around for a tag that…
It has been a while since we did some quizzes here right? So here we are to change things a bit. I love doing anagrams as much as every other crossword junkie here. And I am here to mix two…
I love doing tags on my blog. Not just answering the tag questions through a post, but I really love reading them on others blogs as well. It is a great way to get to know the bloggers up and…
I was talking to someone last week about trivia contests and believe it or not, I have won a few. I used to be smarter I guess. And would not come as a surprise, that I used to do so…
I love it when I relate to the characters of a book I love. And I was super excited to created this quiz, so that you can find out which Female Literary Character you are similar to! Don’t you feel…
It has been a while since I did a bookish tag on my blog and that is when I stumbled upon the A-Z bookish questions tag on Youtube. The tag is pretty simple. I get to answer questions that begin…
Given the love for quotes, how would you fare if you attempted to guess name the book based on its quotes? Go on, give it a chance you might like it. Guess the book from its quotes Y’all know I…
I was hopping around the blogoshpere looking for inspiration to strike me outta somewhere to write a post. Okay I have been saying that for the past two weeks and nothing worked. Until, yes there is an until. Until I…
I have no idea how long it has passed since I did the last tag and I had to jump in at the chance when I was tagged by Clo from Book Dragons as Sunshine blogger and answer questions. I…
I love taking fun quizzes online on everything from trivia about geography to what is my gangsta name. But quizzes related to books are the ones I enjoy the most. So let us try this out here. How many books…