Dubai tour & winter is here!: Sunday Musings #63

I can’t believe it is already another Sunday. The week had been fairly productive and I am back to some sorta routine finally. 

Yesterday we did a self guided tour around Dubai. I loved visiting some of the tiny little flea markets that I never knew existed before. Also I got to try Japanese Mochi ice cream. On the whole, a great day out!

Read how my week was with #selfguidedtour around old Dubai. How is weather coming along? What are you reading these days? Let us talk. #SundayPost Share on X

Dubai is finally settling at its winter and I am enjoying the rare 15 degree Celsius (60 F)  weather. Of course it means I get to use my jackets and scarves and I am loving it. We had some rain as well, thanks to the cloud seeding efforts. 

One more month of this and then the heat would start to increase not so slowly. Okay, let me not start dreading it already. 

What I read this week

I finished reading the Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris which had been on my TBR list for far too long than I would like to admit. But I finally picked it up because a couple of my friends wanted to read it as well. 

We will be having a discussion by the end of the month and hopefully you will get to read my review here soon. 

I am reading currently the Travelling cat chronicles by Hiro Arikawa that is set in Japan and I am loving it. More about it once I finish reading it. 

On my blog

A recap of the posts from the last week for you, in case you missed it. 

On Wednesday we discussed How To Improve Engagement on your book review posts

Review post engagement

On Monday I reviewed One Day In December by Josie Silver

Dubai self guided tour

Catch up my Sunday Musings #62: About spreadsheets and my interview

Dubai self guided tour

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

If you are not following me on Instagram yet, please do. 

Pin me!

Dubai self guided tour

Let us chat

How was your week? How is weather coming along? What are you reading these days? Let us talk. 


  1. Ah, I’m missing Dubai so much after reading this post! I loved the light winters there and it’s definitely raining more nowadays.

  2. It’s always nice to take the time to explore the places we live a bit more and explore where we haven’t been before! I am glad you enjoy doing that. And I also really appreciated The Tattooist and I hope you did too. The Traveling Cat Chronicles is on my tbr for this year!

  3. It is certainly colder this time of the year in the San Francisco Bay Area than previous years (or at least seems so).. but when my friend in the East Coast talks about a temperature much lower, well..
    Love that cover on your edition of Little Women

  4. It sounds like you had a nice week over all. Mine was a rough one and I was glad to see it behind me finally. I am hoping this coming week will be better–although I know it will be a busy one. I think we have something every day, in addition to the usual work and school. I am looking forward to reading The Travelling Cat Chronicles, and am glad to hear you are enjoying it! I hope you have a great week!

  5. We don’t have much of a winter here along the Gulf Coast of Texas, but it should get down close to freezing tonight…that’s generally as cold as it gets.

    I keep thinking about both the books you mentioned—Tattooist of Auschwitz and Traveling Cat Chronicles. Can’t wait to see what you think of these.

  6. 15°C is the temperature that we nearly have here (Belgium) and that’s a total anomaly for winter! Usually we get below 0 to – 16° Celsius!!! And I can’t wait for your review of the Tattooist! I read it late in 2019 and loved it! This month I even read Clika’s Journey.

  7. I would be enjoying 15°C and mochi ice cream too. Sounds like a great way to spend the day. Hope the upcoming week is equally as wonderful

  8. I thought this week flew by! Sunday already?? lol And yay for nice weather! I always like the mid temps too before it gets too hot or cold. We’re in a cold pattern right now but at least it’s not too bad.

    Great Instagram pics!

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