Book Review: The book thief

Book Review: The book thief

I had been hearing rad reviews about The Book Thief for a while now from everywhere, thanks to its movie namesake. I knew I would like it, as it has been repeatedly suggested by like minded friends as well, but was holding back from jumping into for want of time.

Finally as soon as I got my mobile with a larger screen, I feigned illness to stay up in bed for a longer hours only to read. And I was not disappointed at all.

Title: The Book Thiefelgeewrites Book Review: The book thief ir?t=elgeereviews 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0375842209
Author: Markus Zusak
Genre: Fiction – Historical
Main Characters: Liesel Meminger, Hans Hubermann, Rudy Steiner, Rosa Hubermann,Max Vandenburg, Tommy Müller, Ilsa Hermann, Frau Holtzapfel
Setting: Molching, Germany,1939

The Book Thief elgeewrites Book Review: The book thief ir?t=elgeereviews 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0375842209 is a slow moving poignant story of a young, skinny German girl Liesel Meminger who lives with her foster parents Hans and Rosa Hubermann at 33, Himmel Street. The story has layers of intertwined lives filled with emotions that makes me feel bewildered not knowing where to start. What better, if not easier path to start than from the beginning.

The narration is by none other than Death, personified, which makes it all the more interesting. The story begins with the narrator saying that He had visited the girl thrice in her life time. The girl and her brother were given up to her foster parents by her mother, but en route to meet them her brother dies in the train. Liesel and her mother arrange for his burial in a nameless town, where she picks up a book dropped by one of the grave diggers – that’s her first book thievery.

The book thiefShe is entrusted with Hans and Rosa, who takes care of her as their own. She particularly gets very close to her Papa. She grows up rich with memories and love, though they lived at one of the poorer part of the town and struggle to make ends meet. Rudy Steiner, her best friend and partner in crime, and Liesel, alongside the other street urchins steal food often from the richer neighborhoods. Her Papa teaches her to read and write painfully and slowly so that she can read the book she had stolen. Lives continue as peacefully as it can at a poor German community, where Nazis are already hunting down Kommunists and Jews.

The Book Thief balances between the history and cruelty of the Nazis and the personal lives of people whose lives the war shatters. Liesel’s family gets to harbor a Jew in their basement, a secret she even keeps from Rudy. Nazis want to recruit Rudy into their programme and his father refuses to send his son into the ill fated troop. Death continues to visit our little book thief, revealing too much might make it a spoiler. You should definitely read this book!

I should start off by saying how much I loved the simple yet powerful language used. Too many quotable quotes to remember and not to worry, I have shared them for you below the review. Though I got to know that Death visited her thrice earlier in the story, I couldn’t keep the book down till I finished the last paragraph since I wanted to know what happened next.

I loved the friendly banter between Liesel and Rudy as much as I loved the relationship of Hans and Rosa. Who could not admire Hans for his kindness, benevolence and integrity despite the hard times they faced! Every single character, be it small or not, from Max, Ilsa to even Frau Diller who was a Fuehrer loyalist was etched perfection.

Even tiny moments left a lingering impact in my mind, like Illsa offering notebooks for Liesel to write her own thoughts, which incidentally saves her life and Max’s sketches extolling the power of the words and its role in Hitler’s rise. Nothing but Markus’s words could have let me justify the suicide of the son of Frau Holtzman, who had already lost her other son to the war.

The way that Death was personified, not just as the evil taker of lives but as a being that “who gently carries off the souls of those who have passed” spun sheer magic for me and I clearly was hooked.

I had to hold the best for the last, don’t I? I simply adored Rudy. Be it his crazy obsession about Jesse Owens that he blackened himself head to toe, or his loyal friendship that he always accompanied our book thief even though he knows she was lying about hunting the Mayor’s house for food. I couldn’t stop grinning every time he asked for a kiss. And to know he wasn’t going to survive the end earlier on, made him more irresistible than before. Rudy Steiner you are the romantic guy that I need 😉 Augustus Waters, who?

Now few (or more) quotes that I loved from The Book Thief. Feel free to share them 😛

“Please, trust me. I most definitely can be cheerful. I can be amiable. Agreeable. Affable. And that’s only the A’s. Just don’t ask me to be nice. Nice has nothing to do with me.”

“No matter how many times she was told that she was loved, there was no recognition that the proof was in the abandonment. Nothing changed the fact that she was a lost, skinny child in another foreign place, with more foreign people. Alone.”

“Not leaving: an act of trust and love, often deciphered by children “

” is there cowardice in the acknowledgment of fear? Is there cowardice in being glad that you lived?”

It’s probably what I love most about writing—that words can be used in a way that’s like a child playing in a sandpit, rearranging things, swapping them around. They’re the best moments in a day of writing—when an image appears that you didn’t know would be there when you started work in the morning.”

I cannot stop gushing over The Book Thiefelgeewrites Book Review: The book thief ir?t=elgeereviews 20&l=am2&o=1&a=0375842209 yet, to anyone who would listen. Yes it is a little slow but powerful words make up for that. I am yet to see the movie, so I am not yet ready to have your “movie or book?“question but do fire away all your other questions.

Have you read The Book Thief, what are your thoughts on it? Let me know.

Book Review: The book thief

Book review: I am Ella. Buy Me

What would you do when nothing goes right in your life? What would you to keep your finance trouble at bay? No, I am not talking about my own life, but the life of Ella from the book I am Ella. Buy Me.

Book: I am Ella. Buy Me
Author: Joan Ellis
Genre: Fiction – Historical, Drama
Main Characters: Ella David , Peter Richards, Tom Tyler, Adam Hart, Jan
Setting: 1980s, The UK
Disclaimer: I received this book from the publicist free of cost in return for an honest review.

I am Ella. Buy Me is set in the 80s in which Ella struggles against the inequality between men and women in the advertising world.

Ella is a copywriter in the mad Adland, who is determined to fight her way among her lecherous boss Peter Richards, too cool and handsome Alan, schmoozing Josh and other weirdos at work and keep her and her mother away from evictions. And her reckless sarcastic behavior doesn’t help either. Her boss is horrible and often passing her ideas as his own. Her only solace seems to be eating cake at the right and new places, with her best friend Adam, and the company of Wally their watchman.

She is almost fired and exactly at the time of dire need Tom arrives in her life. He is gorgeous, funny, lightens up her world and is in love with her. He even writes a song for her and offers to move in with her and share her mortgages. Does being with Tom gives her what she needs in her life? Does her office life every get better? You have to go through Ella’s life to know more from I am Ella. Buy Me

I am Ella Buy meI loved that anyone who had(s) a horrible boss could resonate with Ella and her getting caught up into one mess after another would hit quite close to home to few (me included). She wants to better herself but ill luck seems to follow her. But the happy ending was quite expected and appreciated – she deserves it.

The setting did remind me of ‘Mad Men’ with Ella as Peggy and Jill as Joan. Ella as the one who has it to fight up the corporate ladder while Jill knows to give in and get what she wants, as in take up what she deserves. Jill actually grew up after a while on me.

But why 3 stars only? I couldn’t love Ella, though I could justify her actions with reasons of my own but still.. I could not see the integrity and strength that Ella is supposedly portraying. I tried to see her strength but failed.

I also wish I had seen more of Adam for he was the most like-able character in the novel and the part about his relationship with Jan was too short to understand how they survived so long and why they did break up. Maybe I am asking too much. But I simply didn’t get enough of Adam.

I liked the writing style and I would look forward to reading more from the writer. You should pick this book if you like period novels with corporate background.

Do you like books that have too many unlikable characters? What makes you continue the reading the book?

Book Review: The book thief

The God Of Small Things: A Book review

Here is my long pending review on The God of Small Things. Though I was a little skeptical through the first few pages, the description of the story through the eyes of children got me all geared up.

Title: The God of Small Things
Author: Arundhati Roy
Genre: Fiction – Drama, Historical
Main Characters: Rahel, Ammu, Mammachi, Chacko, Estha
Setting: Kerala, India

The God of Small Things narrates the story of a divorcée mom Ammu who raises her twins Estha and Rahel in her family estate in Ayemenem. Her brother Chacko is the family’s new head and her aunt spews contempt towards her divorced niece and her kids. Chacko, a party member of the Communists, in 1970s the post Independence era, is pining over his daughter Sophie Mol who grows up at England.

Ammu is a free spirit and is not ready to live as an outcast in her own father’s house. Does she find a new love? And how does her respectable family accept it? Esther does not talk anymore. What happened in the childhood that changed their lives forever?

The story alters between the present day and flashback. The tragic tale is supported by the strong and poetic prose. Roy draws out the lives of Indians in the 1970s in a lucidly. The political scenario and the caste system were depicted honestly.

Roy has compensated the strong voice about the big picture well with the smaller things. Even though the big picture didn’t end up so well for the family or the twins, as long as the small things were in place, everything was okay to the kids. The concept of forbidden love might put off some people, though it makes so much sense.

The God Of Small Things

Small Things like the way she had described “Accurate Estha”, “Thimble drinker Sophie Mol”- made the reading enjoyable. The way the children read the words backward reminded my childhood nostalgically, I wonder if everyone went through the same phase. There were several places that I had people staring at me because I was grinning too much, while reading the book in public places. Especially the innocence of the children in reasoning the death of Ms Mitten, about Rahel being loved but a little bit lesser etc.

If you want to read about the intricate lives of the Indians in 1970s, The God of Small Things could be your choice. If you love The Virgin Suicides, you will love this.