One With The October’19 Updates: Sunday Musings #59

What better way to meet you all after a long gap than a monthly update post? So here I am with the October update.

While I feel like have to search for words to type and things to say, I am sure it is just that I feeling a bit rusty and it would get better soon. Here we go. 

What better way to meet you all after a long gap than a monthly update post? So here I am with the October update about my holidays and travels. #SundayPost #October19 Share on X

Quick October’19 updates

  • I flew to Macau, China for getting my recovering cousin back home to India. Thanks to the flight schedule and the time zone changes, I went about 33 hours without sleep, my longest ever. 
  • I also traveled down to Langkawai and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for a well deserved holiday after the hectic and emotional months. 
  • Got out of the stupid reading slump and I am currently on a reading spree. (More on that below.)
  • And last week I joined a fitness gym and am hoping that I would hit it often enough to get my money’s worth. 
  • I am holding the best for the last. The summer in Dubai is long gone and we are hanging on to that shortest period between summer and winter which means the weather is pleasant and the sky is blue. And am loving it.

What I read this month:

So I beat off the slump I was talking about in my last post and  I did good in October, almost back to my normal reading I suppose. 

  • What you did by Claire McGowan 
  • On the come up by Angie Thomas 
  • Dinner, The by Herman Koch 
  • Unhoneymooners, The by Christina Lauren 
  • Elevation by Stephen King

Now if only I can get my ass to start reviewing them as well!

What I watched this month:

Between the long travel time and the slump I had a lot of movies that I caught up with. 

  • Booksmart – With that name, obviously I had to watch it but felt let down.
  • A simple favor – It had Anna Kendrick who is a vlogger and enjoyed this one.
  • The Book Club: (You seeing a pattern? Well, I am a book blogger.) I was so bored and I did not like it. 

Oh I found this animated series called Larva island on Netflix and I am totally in love with it. 

On my blog

And hey I published a post this week. 

So take a look at the review of Vice/ Virtues by Beatrice De Soprontu here. 


From the Insta-world

I am slowly getting back to posting on Instagram so if you have not followed me yet, please consider giving me a boost, pretty please. 

Pin me!


Let us chat

So how has your October been? What did I miss? What are you currently reading? Let us talk. 

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme


  1. Congrats on beating your slump! That can be super hard! And I’m glad you had some vacation time in with all the rest of everything. It sounds like you had a crazy busy month! I hope you have a great November!

  2. I admire that you were still able to function after 33 hours of no sleep!

    Good luck with the fitness goals and I’m glad that you got out of your reading slump!

  3. I hope you have a nice long transition where the weather stays nice. I always feel like they’re too short haha! And wow you have been busy! Glad you got out of the slump though. I was happy to finally kick it too.

  4. Glad you had a chance to get away! I love to travel, but only get to do so once a year. I also relish the time between summer and winter. I am a moderate type person, and these temperatures are the very much to my liking.

  5. Oh, I’m sorry to hear your cousin was sick! Very noble of you to spend 33 hours traveling to escort her back!

    Glad to hear you’re out of your reading slump! 🙂

  6. I’m happy you got to travel some, Gayathri, and to relax after some hectic months of stuff.
    Welcome back to blogging! It can be daunting at times, right? And I’m with you – I’m all for reading all the books, but not so much for reviewing them these days. Oh well.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading.

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