The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: A Book review

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: A Book review

What is the most recent that made you stay up all night reading it? Quite a few books have done that to me currently, and I am totally loving that. And The Hating Game by Sally Thorne is the latest book on that list. I know everyone on the blogosphere and their brother is loving this one and read on to know how that turned out for me.

I know everyone on the blogosphere and their brother is loving The Hating Game by #SallyThorne and read on to know how that turned out for me. Share on X

About The Hating Game

hating game

Book Name: The Hating Game

Author: Sally Thorne

Genre: Fiction – Romance

Characters: Lucinda Hutton, Joshua Templeman 

Setting: The United States of America

Plot Summary of The Hating Game

When two publishing houses that are entirely contrasting on their values merge their empolyees are forced to work together. Lucy Hutton despises Joshua Templeman and she is sure he is out to get her, just waiting for her slip up.

Things worsen when they set to compete against each other for a new post. While Lucy is well liked by the coworkers, even a pushover sometimes, Josh is feared and respected for his no nonsense attitude. Who would win the war and at what cost forms the rest of the story in The Hating Game.

Book review of The Hating Game

The Hating Game is a classic ‘hate to love’ story with fully etched characters that everyone will want to root for. In fact everyone I know loved this book and let me be honest, my reactions were lukewarm at the best. How many times does one have to read about how short she was and how athletic his body was before one can roll their eyes?

Do not get me wrong, The Hating Game has everything needed for a romance novelsassy females, hot guy, witty dialogues and a lot of angst and frustration, all of which I totally enjoyed and liked. But at some point, Lucy started annoying me with her choices and assumptions. 

Things that worked for me

  • I loved the writing filled with witty banter between Lucy and Josh.
  • I am always game for a book set in the publishing world (though it was not of any consequence here)

Things that didn’t work for me

  • I like the ‘hate to love’ trope but The Hating Game left me wishing for more ‘hatred’. It was more of misunderstanding between them or being irksome rather than hatred. 
  • I wish Lucy had a bit more to her than – work and ‘hating Josh’. She literally has no friends and has been avoiding visiting her parents.


If you are in the mood for an unoriginal romance that involves hate to love trope, you should pick The Hating Game by Sally Thorne. I didn’t love it, but you might. 

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The Hating Game by Sally Thorne: A Book review

Hyped books I have never read.. yet

I never seem to catch up with the hyped books train and when I do, I seldom like them. I think it is bane of my existence and I can’t get out of it. And the list of books that I have missed out is too long to even add in a list. But here I am attempting to do that. 

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Hyped books Pinterest

So here are my top ten hyped books that I have never read. Some of them I may or not read in the future and some I would never read and I have divided them accordingly.

So what are the hyped books that you have not read yet? Are they on my list? And why have you not read them yet? Let us talk. Share on X

Hyped books I am never gonna read

10) Twilight Series

This is one I  may never even touch with a ten foot pole. I have read a few excerpts and that is good enough for me to make this decision.

Hyped books Hyped books Hyped books

9) Hunger Games

Well, the whole internet world had spoiled this for me, I know the story and I don’t want to spend an eternity reading books after books in the series.

8) Vampire Academy

Same goes for this one too.

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7) Wonder

I saw the movie already. While I liked it, I have no intention to go through the same set of emotions with the book. 

6) Fifty Shades of Grey

Oh I am definitely staying off this one!

5) My sister’s keeper

Again, the movie was pretty much good and I have no desire to read the book.

Hyped Books I may or not read

4) Ready Player One

I started reading this and most of the references flew over my head. I might give it a chance some day again. 

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3) Girl with the dragon Tattoo (Millennium) series

I have a thing against series, but this is one I have had my eyes on for a long time now. I might read it I think.

2) Me before you

I have been putting this tear jerker for a long time, mainly because I am so afraid it would let me down, after all the hypes I have heard for years now. 

1)Harry Potter series

I know. I know. Everyone has read this but I have not. I don’t read many series and I definitely do not wanna read seven books. Still, I may or not read this some day in the future.

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So what are the hyped books that you have not read yet? Are they in my list? And why have you not read them yet? Let us talk.