Book Tag: Are You Naughty or Nice on the Santa’s list?

Book Tag: Are You Naughty or Nice on the Santa’s list?

I probably am the last person to do this ‘Naughty or nice’ tag but hey Santa has not visited yet, so technically I can still do this, can’t I? This is the perfect tag to spread the Christmas cheer and I am all excited to know if I am on the naughty list or nice list of bookish Santa.
Here are the 15 questions that the bookish Santa might be taking note before he could deliver his goodies.

1. Received an ARC and not reviewed it

This year I promised myself that I would be diligent and would not go ahead on a request spree on NG or Edelweiss. And I mostly kept it up. BUT, I still have a few ARCs to be reviewed that I received from the authors themselves and one each from NG and Edelweiss.

2. Have less than 60% feedback rating on Netgalley

As I mentioned earlier, I reduced my request rates. So I was pretty close to 80% feedback. But I  have been granted request to more books in the past week, so I am back to 56%.

3. Rated a book on Goodreads and promised a full review was to come on your blog (and never did)

I am so guilty. In fact, I have a shelf on my Goodreads just for this. But in my defense, I still promise I would.

4. Folded down the page of a book

Nope. Actually, I do not mind folding a book, highlighting or bookmarking at all (I know, gasp), I understand if you did. But I do not do it generally.

5. Accidentally spilled on a book

Yes. I spilled a bit of water on my copy of ‘The Inheritance of Loss’ while I was traveling in a train. Again in my defense, I just could not take my eyes off the book even for a minute to drink water and the train jolted suddenly.

6. DNF a book this year

I used to strive so hard to complete a book once I start it, even if I hate it all the way through. Among all the other changes, I decided I would quit reading if I am not happy with a book. But fortunately, I didn’t have to DNF a book this year.

7. Bought a book purely because it was pretty with no intention of reading it

Absolutely not. I would never do that. I read everything but I am very careful when I buy books, as I am still on a book ban. I have had to move twice in the past three years and I have learned my lessons on book hoarding. So if I won’t read it, I won’t buy it.

8. Read whilst you were meant to be doing something else (like homework)

Of course. I would be surprised only if anyone didn’t do this. I am sure Bookish Santa would definitely go lenient on me, and all the other book lovers who do that.

9. Skim read a book

Erm… Yes, there were a few books that were really not my type or/ and wasn’t into them, but I had to finish it anyway as I had to review them.

10. Completely missed your Goodreads goal

I am a strong believer in overachieving. That is why I kept my target low this year. And I completed the challenge and am moving forward already.

11. Borrowed a book and not returned it

None this year. But I do it once in a while when I meet my dearest friends back in India. They also have given up hinting me to return it. In fact, the entire Stephen King collection I have falls into this category. But hey, none this year.

12. Broke a book buying ban

Nope. I am being totally good on this part. Mainly because I had to lose several books when I had to move in the recent past and I promised I would reduce my book hauls to the minimum. Fortunately, or not, Dubai doesn’t have any economical bookshops and that helps me keep up the decision.

13. Started a review, left it for ages then forgot what the book was about

I did the opposite actually.
I loved The virgin suicides when I read it the first time years ago and I started a review and completely forgot about it. This year I reread the book and reviewed it here as I loved it as much as I did the first time.
Do I get brownie points for this?

14. Wrote in a book you were reading

Not on physical copies, but I have left loads of notes, highlights and make comments for reviewing on all my e-books. But I know that doesn’t count.

15. Finished a book and not added it to your Goodreads

I usually read the books fast when I am on a spree and I add them all together when I get back to the laptop. I hope I have not left out any book on the list.
So, on the whole, I am definitely on the Nice part of the nice-o-meter.

Yes, I am totally nice. Yes, I am.

I tag Anky and Carrie to continue this tag.
Anyone else who wants to be tagged on the Naughty or nice tag, please consider yourself tagged.

Merry Christmas people. 

Book Tag: Are You Naughty or Nice on the Santa’s list?

Book Tag: Reader Problems

I am currently traveling and supposed to be on holiday, but I had a moment to spare and decided to do a post so that I wouldn’t disappoint you guys, my dearest readers or just that one reader, who came out to my blog by mistake.

So here is the deal. I have been tagged by Dorka from Berries and Books to do a question and Answer session on Reader problems. All I had to do was reply to the questions truthfully and tag friends who would be interested in doing the tag. 

Well, I am nothing if not for truth and honesty *wink wink* and I don’t care if you guys are interested, or not. I AM tagging you, my bookish friends, because I wanna know more about you than just the books that books that you guys read.

Here are my answers.

1. You have 20,000 books on your TBR. How in the world do you decide what to read next?

Well you know me and system, they don’t work out very well. When I receive copies for review, I immediately ask for their preferred date for posting. I read them according those dates. And between every two books that I have been provided to review or so, I read a book that I choose to read or as I call it, for my pleasure.

Those books I pick for my pleasure only are based on my mood swings, and there are no systems that can tell me what I should read. Hence I have books shelved from the 2010s yet to be picked and books I got last week have been read. I sometimes wish I did the monthly ‘To Be Read’ post that some bloggers religiously do, but then I am not ready to face any more failures on account of not following the list. So the only rule that has been going well for me is ‘no rules’. Sticking to just that.

Another crazy fact about me, I have few books that I know I love crazily, or I am too excited (for years) to read that I don’t read because I don’t want it to end. I am terrified of the book withdrawal syndrome that I would face and the impending doom when the book ends. If I don’t begin it won’t end, right? I do these for Calvin & Hobbes, and this cartoon says exactly what I feel.


Reader problems
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2. You’re halfway through a book, and you’re just not loving it. Do you quit or are you committed?

I have a problem. I can’t let go of books that do terrible things to me, not in a good way. I can’t stop reading how much ever bad the book is and continues to raise my blood pressure. But these I made my mind up not to torture myself if I don’t like the book. Thanks to that decision, I am now completing way lesser than my usual quota of books. *sigh*

3. The end of the year is coming, and you’re so close, but so far away on your Goodreads reading challenge. Do you try to catch up and how?

I have been stuck here once or twice before, and last year I didn’t even complete my challenge even. That is okay, I tell myself now. But earlier I used to read like crazy to reach the goal. Luck has favored me mostly, and I have found some short stories that I now love, those I wouldn’t have found otherwise.

4. The covers of a series you love do. not. match. How do you cope?

With the number of books that have been lying about in different places I have called home, I realize I have lost the appetite to collect (read as hoard) books. I still love buying books and calling them my own, but I have kinda switched over my obsession to E-books. At least you don’t have to leave them behind every time you move places. Oh, what was the question again?

I don’t really care much about the covers of books at all. I don’t understand the cover obsession at all, to be frank.

5. Everyone and their mother love a book you really don’t like. Who do you bond with over shared feelings?

It has happened so many times, and it will happen again. I rarely have people with whom I share similar taste in books. And my need to share my thoughts about the books I read, loved or hated gave way to this blog. You readers are my go to listeners. You don’t have any other go but to read and then maybe send me hate comments, but you at least listen don’t you? I love you guys!

6. You’re reading a book and you are about to start crying in public. How do you deal?

Rarely a book makes me all teary. But I am known to grin like an idiot when some character does or says something cheesy. I have had people wondering whom I am typing so many messages to, when all I would have been doing is sharing quotes from my favorite e-book to my friends or even just exporting them to Evernote. 

I may not be quite okay with people staring at me while I have a special moment with my book or e-book in public if only I realize they are doing that. Sorry, I am too engrossed in the book even to know that you are looking at me.

Also: I am the girl that walks into posts having her eyes glued to the mobile, that might or might not involve e-books. Don’t judge me.


Reader problems
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7. A sequel to a book you loved just came out, but you’ve forgotten a lot from the prior novel. Will you re-read the book? Skip the sequel? Try to find a synopsis on Goodreads? Cry in frustration?!?!?!?

This is exactly why I don’t read many books that are part of a series. Also read 5. I usually have my review up on my blog of the books I read and I can always come here for a refresher.


Reader problems
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8. You do not want anyone. ANYONE. borrowing your books. How do you politely tell people no when they ask?

I have very few friends who borrow books from me anymore. I used to borrow and not return them (gasp!). But now I don’t mind as long as they would read and not take care of my books, I don’t mind sharing.

Since the premise of the question says I don’t wanna share the book with them I just would tell them that I don’t own the book and it was a borrowed copy. I don’t mind lying to save my treasures. That is called survival instinct; it ain’t wrong FYIP.

9. Reading ADD. You’ve picked up and put down 5 books in the last month. How do you get over your reading slump?

Don’t start me on that. The beginning of 2017 saw my longest reader’s block period. I struggled to complete everything I picked. Then someone recommended a short story that blew me out of the world. It was kinda tough read, but then it broke my slump. ‘The chess’ was a god sent, and I have not even written a review for it because I am sure I would not do justice to it. Read it right away please.


Reader problems
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 10. There are so many new books coming out that you’re dying to read! How many do you actually buy?

Usually, I don’t even know about the books until they are sent to me for a review, or someone I know has already read it. I don’t follow publication dates even. If I fancy a book, I get it, that is all. I don’t go by the hype. I know I don’t go by the book blogger/book nerd standards set by the internet world.

11. After you’ve bought the new books you can’t wait to get to, how long do they sit on your shelf before you get to them?

That depends on .. Actually, I have no clue; I am stumped. There are books that I start reading on the way home or the second I get my hands on them. And there are others that are in the pile that I may or may not eventually read. I did a shelf on Goodreads called I own for the books I have newly acquired so that I would get to them in an order, and then once I finish it, I would move it to read shelf. But DO NOT ASK me how well that has been working for me.

Phew, that was fun. Now I am tagging

Terri @ Terri Luvs Books

DJ @ Books and Bindings

Emily @ It’s Novel To Me

So chop chop. Go on, share your answers with a link to my post.

And even if you aren’t tagged by anyone but you wanna do this – consider tagged.