What’s up, people?: Sunday Musings #81

Remember my laptop was making weird noises a while ago, and then it subdued? Well, that didn’t last long. I had to send it for a repair last week and I am making do with an old laptop for now.

It has been a learning curve but it works for now. But damn, I miss my laptop very much, especially because a number of keys don’t work in this one.

And I hear it is going to take another 2 weeks to get it back, no thanks to the CoCid situation. Sigh.

What I read this week

I know I had been talking about reading Daisy Jones and the Six for more than two weeks now and I finished it this week finally.

And not just that, I also finished Lord Edgaware dies by Agatha Christie, read as a part of the ClassicsNChristie book club.

Not bad eh? That brings a total of books on this year’s reading scale. And this is how my A to Z reading challenge looks like now.

Elgeewrites What's up, people?: Sunday Musings #81 A to Z status

What I watched this week

As I was saying last week, I am keeping the Netflix viewing to the minimal. Each day this week I watched

  • Community season five two episodes or less
  • Line of Duty one season

There is something about the Brit thrillers right? I love them.

On my blog

I am quite happy how the week turned out on the blog. Here is a recap in case you missed out the buzz.

How To Finish What You Start: Stop Being A Serial Starter

Elgeewrites What's up, people?: Sunday Musings #81 How to finish what you start Feat

Book Blogging Is More Than ‘Just For Fun’

Elgeewrites What's up, people?: Sunday Musings #81 Book blogging is more than just for fun Feature

Poet X, The by Elizabeth Acevedo – Book review

Elgeewrites What's up, people?: Sunday Musings #81 the Poet X F

Solar eclipse 2020: Sunday Musings #80

Elgeewrites What's up, people?: Sunday Musings #81 SM80FB

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

And my week was fairly active on Instagram too. Go take a looksie.

Pin me!

Elgeewrites What's up, people?: Sunday Musings #81 SM81P

Let us chat

What was your week like? What are you currently reading and watching? Let us talk.


  1. It’s horrible when your computer has to be repaired. At least it can be fixed (hopefully). I hope you are enjoying Line of Duty, I’ve watched them all (that have been released) and they are fab.

  2. Laptop issues are the worst. Mine got completely crashed last month. Using a new one now.
    Great going in the A to Z Challenge! I need six more to complete mine and still can’t find anything for X and Z.

  3. here;s hoping your laptop reaches you sooner than you think ..i hate using anything else other than my laptop too.. even for the things people use the phone, i prefer to use the laptop 🙂 (like whatsapp and insta….)
    and i loved the poet x;; that sky bridge is so cool

  4. I remember you commenting about your laptop making weird noises. Not the best time to have to send it off to be repaired, I agree. I hope they sort it out for you soon. I have so many books I should be reading and instead I’m rereading some old favorites. I think it’s comfort reading. LOL

  5. Oh, that’s terrible about your laptop. Let’s hope you have it back soon. I don’t even have a spare laptop, so I’m sitting here, fingers crossed, hoping that mine stays functional.

    Enjoy your books and your week, and I do love Netflix these days. I haven’t tried the Britbox movies lately. Something to consider.

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and stay safe.

  6. I haven’t watched any TV shows at all lately. I kind of get stuck on Twitter a lot these days – so my reading is down, too. But it’s OK, I did read some good books anyway.
    I need to read Poet X, as I have that one on my kindle. There are so many great books I want to read. Hopefully, being off from work right now will help with that.
    Have a wonderful week ahead and happy reading, Gayathri

  7. Hey Gayathri, it has been a hot week here! I only read one book and watched two shows this week, as I was back to work almost full time this week, but it was good to be back! Take care and happy reading in the coming week! 😃

  8. Good luck with the laptop! I hope they can get it fixed for you. It’s hard to use a different machine when you’re used to a certain one!

    Lovely pics as always! that sky bridge looks amazing!!

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