Updates from January’21 and the ELF: Sunday Musings #108
Sunday Musings #43: One on the End of March Madness aka #monthlyWrapup
I love April and I am not sure if it had something to do with being my birthday month or the summer holidays we used to have when we were younger. Either way, I look forward to April right from…
Sunday Musings #39: One With More Authors And Dubai Literature Festival 2019
The last leg of the #DubaiLitFest got done yesterday and I have not still out of the stupor. I have a lot of pictures to be uploaded but I am gonna keep it for the Instagram. So if you are…
Sunday Musings #38: One About Meeting Authors And The #Dubailitfest
I am back with some exciting news from my week y’all. Are you ready for some February updates? Remember me yapping about the Emirates Literature Festival for a while now? So it finally started this Friday! And I volunteered both…
Sunday Musings #35: The One about an unproductive and boring week
Hola people I am so glad this week has come to an end because I wasn’t feeling productive at all and I want a restart or a new beginning. That is what this Sunday is all about. To be fair,…
Sunday Musings #34: The One Where I ramble about everything that ever happened Aka #JanuaryWrapUp
Hello y’all I know I have been MIA for the past two weeks but lets not dwell on that because I am back. And I come bearing good news. And let us call it my January Wrap up! I am…
Spotlight Sunday: #09 One with March wrap up and no other news!
It is a new day, new week and a new month. And I am feelin’ good. Just like this one from MUSE. I am always excited for a new month, all the more for it is April – my birth…
Spotlight Sunday: #08 One from when I found a new library
Hello people, I come bearing good news. I at last got my system got working again and had to completely reformat the hard drive. So I will have to catch up with all your posts and comments and I will…
Spotlight Sunday: #05 One about Emirates Lit Fest 2018
One of the drawbacks of being a blogger who is not living in the USA/UK is that we do not get to do many of the book related things like meeting an author, attending a reading or even getting a…