Sunday Musings #56: Meeting Indian Bloggers

Sunday Musings #56: Meeting Indian Bloggers

I am on vacation in India still, and I kinda extended it by ten days. So I thought I will give you an update on how things are working out currently. I have been shuttling between cities, just as I expected and it is not as bad as I have been whining about. 

I am lost without a routine and probably that's what holidays are about! Read what my week was like and about the amazing Indian bloggers I met recently. Let us talk. Share on X

But hey the good news is I am avoiding returning to Dubai’s heat for another ten days and spending time meeting family, friends and even catching up with some bloggers in real life. The only downfall seems to be my inconsistent blogging schedule and I have been feeling terribly guilty about it. Do you have those bloggers’ remorse?

What I read this week

On the other hand my reading has been going great and I have been on track mostly. I read two books in the last week.

  • The joy luck club
  • Aristotle and Dante discover the secrets of the universe

On my blog

As I mentioned already, I haven’t blogged in a while. It is not that I don’t have time to write up one but it is just not the same when you are on a holiday. 

I am lost without a routine and probably that’s what holidays are about! Anyway here is the single post I published in the past three weeks.

The Seven Deaths Of Evelyn Hardcastle – A Book Review

I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

From the Insta-world

Around the blogosphere

Since I haven’t had blog hopped and don’t even know what’s happening in the blogosphere, I am gonna talk about whom I met in last few weeks! 

I met Shruti from This ls Lit and Mathangi from The Word Glutton in Chennai two weeks ago! And you will not believe this is the first time we are hanging out outside of a book event. 

Meeting bloggers

We ended up spending more than five hours talking about nothing and everything. Who am I kidding? We were talking about books, feminism and representation of brown people in books! 

And we clicked a lot of fun pictures. 

Tanvi from A reader to whatever end visited the town when I was around and Nandini from Unputdownable books and I caught up with her.

Meeting bloggers

Again a coffee date extended to a five hour giggle fest! Wait who said we bookworms are the quiet ones?

I am totally looking forward to meeting some more Bookstagrammers and bloggers this week! Fingers crossed!! 

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Meeting bloggers

Let us chat

What’s up with you? Who are the bloggers that you have met in real life? Do you think it is my bloggers’ remorse is normal and do you have ever faced it? Let’s talk.

Sunday Musings #56: Meeting Indian Bloggers

Sunday Musings #51: One About The Trip To Musandam, Oman

Hello to everyone who is enjoying their summer while I am not. Yes spring is long gone and it is an early summer around here at Dubai. And before you ask, yes I am gonna keep complaining about the heat till it is autumn and the temperature falls – bear with it!

Among other things that happened last week, I traveled to Musandam, Oman which is about three hours drive from Dubai. Read more about the week that passed by in my #Sundaypost #weeklywrapup Share on X

Anyway we went on a short vacation last during the week long holidays for Eid celebrations. We traveled to Musandam which is part of Oman but still physically surrounded by the UAE and just about three hours drive from Dubai. 


While the current temperature at Musandam was almost similar to Dubai, I loved relaxing pool side and having room service delivering the food. We also took a dhow (boat) ride for snorkeling in the middle of the sea and watched the dolphins play around in their natural habitat.


Of course I clicked so many photos that my iPhone started giving out the memory warnings. I have been sharing them on my Instagram, which you should be following already


What I read this week

After a great reading month, I hope I don’t crash with a reading slump in June. But a buddy reading kept me going. 

I read two books this week and I liked them both. 

  • We are Okay by Nina LaCour – buddy read with Olivia from Olivia’s catastrophe.
  • Landline by Rainbow Rowell

What I watched this week

I didn’t watch much TV this week, due to the holidays and the trip.


I have started watching a Spanish mystery thriller Alta Mar or High seas, which seems like a Christie thriller, on Netflix. Needless to say, I am enjoying it. 

On my blog

I am gonna blame it on the holidays and the holidays induced coma that I had not posted as much on my blog. Here is a quick look at what is happening on my blog

Sunday Musings #50: One With The May’19 Updates


I did a mini review on three classics under Little Boys In Classics


I will be linking today’s post with Caffeinated reviewer’s Sunday post Meme

Around the blogosphere

Here are some posts I loved during the week.

  • Twitter is great for bookworms, but it also doesn’t lack some drama. Read about the latest drama about YA authors defending shipping problematic relationships on Your Tita Kate’s post.
  • I loved Britt’s post on Is blogging really dead? on Alternatively Speaking discussing how blogging has changed over the years.
  • I found this hilarious guide on finding the perfect book on Starry Sky Books and I am sure you will love it as well.

From the Insta-world

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Let’s chat

How is your weekend coming along? Have you made your summer plans? Have you read any of this books? Let us talk.