Category Quizzes & Tags
The Book Blogger tag: Behind the screen
Can You Find The Famous Authors: Quiz
You thought my last quiz (Find The Name Of The Authors) was easy? Well I come prepared this time. I am warning my third edition of find the famous authors from their books is gonna be tougher. Find The Famous…
Mother’s day quiz: How well do you know them?
It is almost mother’s day and you thought I would forget about the customary post, didn’t you? Well, I have not, quite surprisingly. And without any further ado, are you ready for pop quiz in relation to mother’s day? Try…
Tag: Behind the blogger
I have been talking about my favorite and not-so favorite books and book related things here for a while a long time now. But how much I have divulged about me, the face behind the blog? Yes, I can hear it…
Can you guess the authors of these famous books?: Bookish Quiz
I love doing bookish quizzes, even if most of the time I score real poor on them. But hey they are usually fun to do and kill some time right? It has been a while since I did one of those…
Tag: My blog’s name in books
I have been seeing this tag for a long time now and here I am finally trying to write my name with books from my TBR. So let us get on with the My blog’s name in books tag, okay? I hope…
Tag: Why I am weird
Time for another tag but this time it is a non bookish one. I had Renee add me on this Why I am weird tag and I realized it was finally an opportunity to talk about myself again. So are you…
Tag: Seven things I like in a book
Let us be honest. Not all books are equal nor do they all make us weep or laugh with them. They all tell us a story but yet not all of them become our favorites. Have you given a thought…
Quiz: Find The Book Title From Its Quotes
It has been a while since we did a quiz in here, right? So that is what we will do today. How many books can you name based on quotes from them? How well do you know your bookish quotes?…