Social media for authors – Tips to build your online presence

Social media for authors – Tips to build your online presence

Social media for authors is critical! The size of your social media presence of an author, especially if you are self published, can make a huge difference in your book promotion. Using it effectively to connect and engage your readers, fellow writers and and the publishing community as a whole, can go a long way in your marketing campaign.

What are the social media platforms that you can't do without? What do you think are the problems when it comes to social media for authors? What do you do to increase your following? Let us talk. Click To Tweet

Let us talk about a few things to remind yourself to make social media for authors and writers more successful.

Social media for authors


Don’t make it all about you!

Unlike your personal social media accounts, your author profile accounts shouldn’t revolve around you and your personal tastes. Sharing current writing/reading updates aside, try to share content from other sources, not just Amazon links to your books.

Talking about the causes that are passionate to you is great on social media but try to keep your author pages professional and to the point.

Host giveaways

Another great way to increase your followers and keep them hooked is host awesome giveaways. There is a huge market for bookish merchandise like bookmark, pins and posters. And of course signed copy is truly cherished.

Instagram and Twitter are great choices to run giveaways due to the presence of a large number of readers.

Be smart about social media usage

Ensure you are not spending too much time over social media – time that you can be using for writing or editing your next book. Scheduling posts for a week can reduce your work load by half.

For example, Twitter lists help you to curate similar accounts into group and organize your followers better. You can even subscribe to someone else’s public list.

Interesting and useful bio

Your bio is the first thing that a new or potential follower would be looking at. It often acts as a resume and an ad for yourself. It should provide a glimpse of who you are as a person and why they should follow/subscribe to your account or channel.

Do not try too hard to be funny or smart. It more often than not, backfires.

Don’t read reviews

Call this as a word of caution or request from a book blogger/ reviewer, but do yourself (and others, too) a favor and avoid reading reviews of your own book.

While it is nice and essential to engage with reviewers and bloggers during your book promotion, it is not fair when authors read the reviews and discuss about it to the reviewer. The reviews are usually written for the readers and other bloggers – not authors!

Pitch wars

Another exciting step towards getting your book published is getting noticed by literary agents and publishing companies. And pitching events on social media, especially on Twitter, could make your chance.

Basically, these events are like “the Voice” but for authors. If your manuscript get selected, you get mentored by experienced authors and agents. #PitMad, #Pitchwar, #DVPit, are all good places to start!

Get involved Community

Social media is a platform for you to finally get involved with your own peers and readers. And that can happen only when you stop lurking and put yourself out there.

Give writing tips and advice. Answer questions and polls, even AMAs (Ask Me Anything). Engage with peers and fans. Share interesting articles and follow your favorites.

#WritingCommunity and #indieauthor are great places to meet your fellow writers. Maybe you will find next best friend right there.


Last but not the least, try to be consistent in your goal and content plan. Posting for a few days and then disappearing for the next few weeks is not going to help anyone.

Consider this as a groundwork for your book promotion and more importantly, for the emotional connections you will need. It is a time taking project and will sometime eat too much of your time. But it is indispensable!

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Let’s chat

Which social media platforms you can’t do without? What do you think are the biggest pain points when it comes to social media for authors? What do you do to increase your following? Let us talk.

Social media for authors – Tips to build your online presence

Balancing social media and blogging: How to stay sane?

Social media is fun and entertaining. Unless you are a content producer or a blogger trying to use it for your business. Well, then it is a chore and is definitely soul sucking. The balancing of your social media presence and your blogging schedule is a constant struggle.

Clap your hands if you are with me on this one.

How do you keep balancing social media and blogging content? Does it ever get overwhelming for you? What does your social media schedule look like? Let us talk. Click To Tweet

But you do see so many big accounts do this so seamlessly and still are on top of their blog. It is an absolute sorcery and mere mortals can’t achieve it.

Blink twice if you have tried to balance between your goal to get a huge following on social media, churn out content as your calendar and trying to breathe, and failed miserably. Well, you are not alone and this post especially for you, naïve one.

Balancing Act of Social Media and Blogging

It is hard to balance social media and blogging, when your work and business are mostly online and it is exhausting to say the least. There is no way out, in this age and technology but you can still try to stay sane by following some of these techniques.

Block your creative time

With all that is going on in life and your blogging schedule, it gets harder to sit down and do things that require your focus and deep work.

The more your sweat over small things and your routine, the harder it gets to any planning or focused writing done. And that is why it is important to set aside a particular time block each day, away from distraction from the pesky social media messages or Netflix binges.

Balancing Social media and Blogging pin me

Use this time to create, write and do things that require your uninterrupted attention. Extra points if they add up to your long term goals.

Create a social media strategy

Keeping up with the news and staying relevant is one of the vital points as a blogger and a business. But doing that all by yourself is definitely impossible.

And that is why you need a social media strategy that includes

  • The social media platforms that your blog will be active
  • The number of times you will post per week
  • The number of hours you will spend engaging, re-sharing and commenting on the platform
  • What is your goal for each platform – short and long term?
  • How will you track the progress?

Creating out a social media strategy might seem too pretentious if you are a micro blogger or a small business, but writing out them in detail would hold you accountable and give you more clarity on what you do.

Automate whatever you can

Once you have set your goals and task lists in stone (or paper) automate, automate and automate. Use a scheduler like Buffer or Hootsuite to send out your posts on premeditated time.

Automate for Balancing social media and blogging

You can allocate a specific time to schedule posts for the following week. Scheduling for a week will reduce the amount of time you spend on social media for promoting your blog/business.

Batching similar processes

Another great time saving technique is to batch similar processes together and get them done together. For example, instead of spending time creating graphics or images for each social media separately, batch them out together and do it when you are designing the header image for your blog post.

Working in batches has saved me more time than every other time managing techniques put together.

Watch out for your analytics

As you automate things and spend time away from social media creating and building your business and blog, keep an eye over your analytics and traffic. Watch out for what kind of posts work and what performs better.

You may even spend a dedicated time every week (or whatever works for you) to analyse the data and tweak your posts.

Put yourself first

This is the single most important thing I learnt in creating a balance between social media and blogging is putting myself and my mental health first.

How much ever we plan there are going to be days when nothing goes as per our plan and that might overwhelm us. We should have to understand that and keep ourselves prepared for unplanned breaks.

You time Balancing social media and blogging

Also, plan for some self care routines into your day and don’t forget to take some breaks.

What my social media schedule looks like

What my social media schedule looks like

  • As a book blogger, I try to be active on Instagram (though it offers little to no traffic to my blog), Twitter and Pinterest. I also schedule posts on Facebook, but I am not active on FB, personally or for blog promotion.
  • I post four times on my blog per week and share the posts on Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest as soon as the post go or some time on the same day. To be honest, I am not really strict on the time for this process.
  • Weekly once I spend an hour or two to choose the posts from the book blogger community to reshare on my social media platform during the following week.
  • Next I spend another 15 to 30 minutes to choose posts from my blog to promote all through the next week.
  • On Monday I schedule these links (both from my blog and the ones I loved from the blogging community) to publish over Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest at different times with customized messages for each platform.
  • Every day I spend about 15 to 30 minutes on each platform to talk, engage and make friends. Usually I spend about 60 to 90 minutes on the whole each day.

That is it. This is my minimal schedule to allow me to stay on top of social media and blog promotion and breathe as well.

Trust the process Balancing social media and blogging

Well, sometimes these schedules don’t work and that is okay too. I stopped worrying too much about it, because I know I have a routine that works for me, most of the days and I can get back to it soon enough.

The trick to balancing between social media and blogging is knowing what you want and when to say enough.

If you like my posts about social media and blogging aspect of it, you should try some of these related posts.

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Let’s chat

How do you keep balancing social media and blogging content? Does it ever get overwhelming for you? What does your social media schedule look like? Let us talk.

Social media for authors – Tips to build your online presence

How using Instagram for books and reading changed my life

Like many other trends, I joined Instagram for books and reading a bit later than everyone else. I genuinely thought it was another platform that bookworms, among other people, use to procrastinate while the books in their TBR shelves collected dusts. (Am I wrong or am I wrong?)

Are you on Instagram for books and reading and more importantly, are you following me? And has it affected your reading habits at all, or is it just me? Let us talk. Click To Tweet

I joined the bandwagon with much innate skepticism, thanks to the peer pressure and the allure of getting more free books to review from the publishers. Let us face it, we bookworms are all greedy for free books

And boy, am I a convert! From someone who didn’t even have the Instagram app on her phone, I have become a person I hardly recognize – especially when I took 25 minutes to buy a coffee mug, which is now visible on every alternate photo I post on Instagram. It just not that.

Bookstagram has changed so many things for me including my reading habits. Oh let me tell you how!

Positive Changes – Instagram for books

Finding book clubs and more discussions

Thanks to Bookstagram, I met some amazing people online and one thing lead to another. And BAM! I am now a member of four book clubs in Instagram that are actually active.

book Instagram reading changed life Book club
Credit: GIPHY

We have book of the month, and most of us religiously read and DISCUSS them, which is what I was craving for like any book worm would.

Keeping up with the challenges

I have always been meaning to read more classics and revisit the novels of the queen of mystery Dame Agatha Christie. And while on Instagram I found the book clubs that have members who want to do that as well, and that has helped me keep up my resolution. 

I have read seven Agatha Christie books and six classics since joining the group in 2019, which is quite a feat for me. But all thanks to reading Instagram and the book clubs that keep me on my toes.

Understanding the importance of representation

I cannot stress enough how much I depend on social networks on keeping me updated with the current state of affairs and issues. As someone who is living out here in the deserts of Dubai, I need all the help I can get. 

book Instagram reading changed life Diversity
Via Giphy

Bookstagram and Twitter are the sole reasons that I have been finding out diverse representation in books. Without them I would not have known what to look for and mainly why they matter. I am still learning y’all!

Reading more regularly and rigorously

I am generally a mood reader which means I either read ten books a month or read nothing for the next two months. And choosing which book to read next usually took a lot of time in general. It still does. But joining bookstagram helped me keeping track of what I read and updating my reading progress regularly has made me more accountable. 

book Instagram reading changed life Read more

Having to talk about books on a schedule has made me read more rigorously and regularly. I think the pressure(?) that the bookstagram schedules has been putting on me and it works well on me.

Falling for the book covers

I think I was one of those rare bookworms that never gave a second thought about the book covers. Especially since I have a weird habit of not reading the synopsis (or blurb) before reading the book, I didn’t really take much time to appreciate the beautiful cover of the book.

Then bookstagram happened. Now the first thing I see about a book is the cover. I appreciate the designs, fonts and colors of the cover lot more and I am enjoy doing that. 

Reading more Young Adult books

Bookstagram plays a huge role in the books I read and since the young adult books are the most popular ones I have been picking a lot of them recently.

It is a good thing because I don’t usually reach out for them and they are a great alternative to the classics and mystery novels that I read for the book clubs. Also because YA is where most representations and current issues are being addressed currently.

Negative Changes – Instagram for books

Looking out for popular book

Let’s face it. At the end of the day it is the numbers that matter, even in Bookstagram. And it may not come as surprise that posting about popular books is inevitable to gain popularity and engagement.

So I have been reading so many popular books of late, many that I wouldn’t have if it hadn’t been for Bookstagram. Not that I haven’t enjoyed them nor all of them were bad, but I am sure I could have spent the time better, knocking off some book of my TBR list. 

I hope sincerely that more Bookstagrammers started posting about books from Own voices, POC authors and independent publishers as well, which is becoming rare due to all the number games. 

The feeling of being left out 

Continuing the above theme, I have come to realize that ‘doing our own thing’ is more difficult with Instagram than book blogging. 

Instagram books reading FOMO
Credit: GIPHY

I generally do not read much of fantasy and SciFi genres and they constitute almost half the new releases these days. So it is kinda inevitable but to feel left out seeing all these beautiful books that I might never read.

It is really a short ride from the fear of missing out to feeling guilty about the reading choices.

Giving in to the schedule pressure

I am trying so hard not to do this and I hope the day never comes, that my Instagram feed will consist of so many books that I never have read before.

The pressure of having a schedule and the need to talk about new books shouldn’t end up in just adding a picture and not forget the existence of the book.

Yes I know I have a lot of them currently on my shelf but I hope Bookstagram doesn’t add more to that bunch.

Giving up lesser known books

We book bloggers want it all. We want to read so many books in so little time. The cost of reading the most popular books comes at missing out the other great ones. 

I sometimes miss giving in to the mood and picking a random book off the shelf. And the pleasure of buying never heard of books based on the quirky title off a second hand books shop. 

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Let’s Chat

Are you on Instagram for books and reading and more importantly, are you following me? And has it affected your reading habits at all, or is it just me? I would love to hear from you, in the comment section. Let us talk.

Bookish questions for your bookstagram

Bookish questions for your bookstagram

I am sure feeling lost when it comes to starting new conversations is pretty common – be it online or in real life. I hope these bookish questions would be help you kick start new topics. Let me know if these bookstagram questions are helpful.

Here are some bookish "question of the day" (qotd) that you can ask your followers on social media like bookstagram or just write a blog post on. Let me know your favorite conversation starter. Click To Tweet

25 Bookish questions for bookstagram

Here are some bookish “question of the day” (qotd) that you can ask your followers on social media like bookstagram or just write a blog post on. I will keep these bookstagram questions coming if they seem helpful to you. So let me know in the comments.

1. If there were one book that you can make everyone read what would that be?

2. What makes or breaks a book for you? Is it the grammar/typos? Badly written plot? Annoying characters?

3. If you can be a fictional character for a day, whom would you choose?

4. Do you like gray characters in a book?

5. Who is your favorite gray character in fiction?

6. Do you read non fiction/ self help? If so, what did you read most recently?

7. Name a hyped book that fell short for you.

8. Which of the usual romance tropes works the best for you?

9. What trope in Young adults books you hate?

10. What are you currently reading these days?

11. Which book disappointed you recently?

12. What are your pet peeves when it comes to romance writing?

13. Name one author who is on your auto buy list. Just one, no cheating.

14. How are you faring on your reading challenges?

15. Which book gave you the longest/hardest book hangover recently?

16. How has social media (Instagram/bookstagram) changed the way you read?

17. Which book did you buy most recently only based on the recommendations on the Instagram?

18. Are you part of any book clubs? What are you reading currently with them?

19. How do you choose your next read?

20. Are you a mood reader? Or you make elaborate plans before you choose reading?

21. What is your favorite mandatory read from school syllabus?

22. Do you sneak a peak into the last chapter to see how it ends?

23. Name that mandatory read that you disliked at school.

24. If you can add one book to the school mandatory read book list, which one would that be?

25. Do you read dystopia? If yes, name one dystopian fantasy that you can relate to our current world.

It is no secret that I love talking about books, writing and everything in between. Of course I talk about it on my blog and all over the social media. And in real life, to whomever would listen, including the book club meetings.

So if you are ever looking out for bookish question of the day (qotd) to talk on your bookstagram or blog, you know whom to ask. * wink wink*

Do not forget to follow me on Instagram

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Let us talk

Are you on Instagram/bookstagram? Do you ever get stuck looking for questions of the day (qotd) or captions to post? Would these bookstagram questions be useful? Let us chat.